67: Make Up With Tessa?

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I got up and walked over to our dresser putting on a shirt and shorts. I kissed Emilio and then walked downstairs. I found Anthony with Hannah in his arms rocking her to sleep. I smiled and walked over sitting next to him.
A: "I thought you were going to bed."
"I still am, Emi just thought that maybe I should be done here with you. Just in case."
A: "You don't have to, you can go up to your own bed."
"What if I want to stay with you?"
A: "Fine but I don't want help, I want to learn to do this on my own. I mean I am going to have to do it that way anyways."
"Anthony I truly hope that Jake will treat his niece better. He is such a great uncle to Victoria. He is just upset. Now tomorrow I have meetings with Taylor all day but after I am free so I am going to help you start to get ready to have Hannah there and I'll talk to Jake."
A: "It's fine she is my daughter, I don't need the help."
"Trust me Anthony your going to want all the help you can get."
A: "You did it on your own."
"Not to start out with I had Ivan and sometimes Emilio helping me."
A: "Maddie please."
"Fine but I have to stay down here."
He nodded and realized that Hannah had fallen asleep. He set her down gently in the play pen and then layed down pulling me down with him.
The Next Morning
I woke up early, I got up and went upstairs getting dressed. I got dressed in something more fancy this morning after reading Taylor's text that we would be filming something for a TV show. Emilio must have woken up because I felt a pair of arms wrap around me.
E: "Buenos Dias mi Amor."
"Buenos Dias Amor."
E: "Why are you all dressed up?"
"Taylor texted and told me to dress nice. So I am do you wanna come with me?"
E: "I gotta film with Ivan."
"Ivan can come, Emilio."
E: "Mmm I would love to spend the day with you."
"It's up to you."
E: "Actually it's up to Ivan."
"Ivan can't handle us being a couple."
E: "He is going to have to get used to it."
"Mmm yeah I guess so."
E: "Maddie I've been meaning to ask you something."
"And what is that?"
E: "Will you marry me?"
"Emi we already got married."
E: "I mean properly, like an actual wedding where we invite our families including Jake."
"You know I think that's a great idea."
E: "Really?"
"Yeah, I mean why not? But we'd have to have it in Spain."
E: "Well yeah for my family to be there."
"I love you."
E: "I love you, okay I'll make Ivan come with us. Are you still gonna talk to Tessa?"
"I don't know she seems to hate me."
E: "She told me that getting into that fight with you was the biggest mistake that she made."
"It wasn't my fault. She was the one who basically called me a lier."
E: "I know but she was friends with Erika at the time babygirl. At least try babygirl."
"Fine I will try but if she starts accusing me of things the I am out of there."
E: "You gonna try today?"
"Maybe depends on my meeting with Taylor."
E: "You know your the best right?"
"Mmm no your the best. Now get ready if you're coming with me especially if I have to go pick up Ivan."
E: "What are you gonna do with Hannah and Victoria?"
"They're coming with me unless Anthony wants to take Hannah. Now I have to get Victoria ready."
E: "Okay love."
I left our room and went into Victoria's closet looking through her clothes. I decided on a pink dress. I went back into her room to see that she was awake.
"Good morning babygirl."
V: "Morning Mommy."
"Do you want to eat before you get dressed or do you want to get dressed first?"
V: "I wanna eat."
I walked over and set the dress on her bed and then picked her up and brought her downstairs. I placed her in her high chair and then walked over to the fridge and pulled out a bowl of fruit. I placed it in front of her then sat down and pulled my phone out.
V: "Mommy are we going to go back to Spain?"
"Yeah we just don't live in Spain anymore."
V: "How much I really like spending time in Spain."
"I don't know, but we might go at least once a year, you know Emilio and Ivan are from Spain."
V: "Really?"
"Mhmm that's why they know what you're saying in Spanish."
V: "I don't like that, I can't tell you secrets."
"Oh yeah like what?"
V: "I like that you're with Emilio."
"Aw sweetheart, I glad that you like him."
V: "I like Anthony too. But daddy is my favorite."
"You're too cute."
A: "What are you two saying in here?"
V: "Nothing. Good Morning Anthony."
A: "You know you can call me Tony, Victoria."
V: "No I like calling you Anthony."
A: "Okay. Anyways I was wondering if I could take Hannah?"
"Yeah you can take her. It'll be good, maybe you and Chance can make a video today and tell your fans that you adopted a baby."
A: "That was the plan."
Emilio came downstairs dressed in his outfit from his distrack on Jake. I smiled as he came over and kissed me.
"Okay, Emi can you watch Victoria while I go back Hannah's diaper bag for Tony?"
E: "Of course, I am gonna call Ivan."
"Okay. Come on Tony."
We walked upstairs to Emilio and I's room. I picked up Hannah's diaper bag and set it on her changing table and started to pack her things. I handed the bag to Anthony.
"Okay now, you should be good just taking her car seat for today but Anthony you're gonna have to get a car. You can't keep driving the team ten van."
A: "I don't have the money for that."
"Mmm Jake is going to have to buy you a car then. I know he promised."
A: "Like that's gonna happen. He's mad at me at the moment."
"Only because he doesn't want to have to deal with Hannah. Which honestly as long as you have Chance's help you should be fine."
A: "I think Jake is just upset that he hasn't gotten to sleep with you. I mean you've slept with me, you've slept with Chance and Logan. You've slept with Emilio."
"Obviously. He's gonna have to get over it though. He has Erika and Erika has tried to ruin my life before. We just started to become friends again and I don't want to ruin that."
A: "Right. Okay I have to order my Uber and then Hannah and I are out of your way."
"You'll never be in my way Tony. I have to get Victoria ready though."
Anthony smiled and then walked out of my room Emilio came in with Victoria in her dress. I smiled and took her out of Emilio's arms.

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