63: Dinner

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Logan and I arrived early at the restaurant to get the table. A table for over twenty people was hard to get, but lucky the restaurant wasn't to busy. We were brought into the party room. Victoria started running around.
"Victoria, be careful sweetheart, I don't want you hitting your head."
L: "I still can't believe, you released an album with Taylor Swift. How did that even happen?"
"It just happened, we ran into each other and then it happened."
Taylor walked in with her security.
T: "Ah Maddie! Victoria!"
V: "Taylor!"
She came over and hugged me and then Victoria ran over and jumped into her arms. I shook my head.
T: "It looks like everybody is liking the first two songs."
"They are fire."
T: "Where's Emilio and Hannah?"
"They aren't here yet I came with Logan."
T: "Hi Logan."
L: "Hi Taylor."
Emilio and Ivan walked in with Hannah.
E: "Baby, did you change your jacket?"
"Oh yeah I did, this one just looks better."
I: "Eh I don't know about that."
"Are you judging me Ivan?"
I: "Nope but your wearing Logan's jacket."
E: "Ivan there is nothing wrong with that. Shut up."
"Emilio don't be rude to your brother."
V: "Yeah don't be rude."
L: "Victoria your mom doesn't need help."
Taylor stood there with Victoria still in her arms. I smiled, Emilio came over and wrapped his arms around me. Ivan went over and sat down and took Hannah out of her car seat. Jake and team ten walked in. Jake and Erika came over to me and Emilio.
J: "Maddie I need to talk to you."
"Okay what's it about?"
J: "Maddie."
"Fine but it will have to wait till later."
J: "Maddie, Anthony talked to me about Hannah, come on its important."
EM: "Baby go, I can order for you."
"Fine. I will be back Taylor. But this is only because dad and Pam aren't here yet. Will you be okay Taylor?"
T: "Don't worry about me."
V: "I'll keep her company mommy."
"I know you will Victoria."
Jake and I walked out of the room. Jake took my hands in his. I looked at weird.
J: "Are you sure you want to do that? I mean having your daughter, think that your her aunt is a big thing. And are you sure that he could take care of her in the team ten house?"
"I know it's a big thing but he's right it's best for both of our reputations, nobody knows about Emilio's kids or that Emilio cheated, it'll just make me look bad. And they could also make Tony look bad as well. And as for him raising her in your house I expect you and Chance to help him."
J: "What I can't..."
"You can plus it'll help you get ready to have your own kids."
I turned around and walked back into the room finding that dad and Pam had arrived and were talking to Logan. I walked over and hugged my dad.
G: "Maddison."
"What did I do?"
G: "Nothing I am just proud of you. I mean an album with Taylor Swift?"
"It's not that big of a deal."
E: "Hey baby, how did talking to Jake go?"
"Fine Emilio. We didn't fight, but I get why you would assume that."
I: "She's in a mood again, something happened."
"Where's Hannah?"
I: "Anthony took her."
G: "So she's Anthony's baby?"
"Yes and about that..."
J: "Maddie maybe you shouldn't talk about that tonight."
"What's wrong with that Jake?"
J: "Well I just think that Anthony is ready for that kind of a responsibility."
"He can take care of Athena. You just don't want to help. It's not that he isn't ready it's that your not ready. Well you better get ready quick, because Erika is almost to the age that she won't be able to have kids and I know she is going to want them."
E: "Your deciding to let Hannah go live with Anthony?"
J: "Yeah and they plan on having Maddie being called her aunt because it'll be better for their reputation."
E: "It is."
G: "I have to go with Maddie and Anthony on this one Jake."
L: "Me too."
I: "Eh I agree even though it means I get to see less of Hannah."
A: "What are we talking about?"
"Jake is complaining about what we choose to do with Hannah."
J: "Cause I don't understand how it'll affect your reputations."
"People look up to us Jake. Having Hannah for me makes me look like a cheater, and if they don't think I am a cheater they could assume Anthony raped me."
J: "So who cares about those rumors."
EM: "Jake do you know how much drama that would bring to you. Anthony is on team ten so it'll somehow come back to you."
G: "Your sister doesn't need anymore hate on her."
L: "And her having Victoria was at the beginning of their marriage, they have been married for almost two years now."
A: "It's just the best idea Jake."
J: "I don't see why you're still with him Maddison. He's cheated. You've cheated. You two don't even care about each other."
"Anthony, Logan take the girls out of the room."
G: "Maddison."
"Just take the girls out of the room."
L: "Okay no problem."
They walked over to Taylor with Victoria and then walked out of the room. I looked back at Jake and then slapped him.
"You have nice fucking right to judge me and my marriage, when you aren't any fucking better. You tried and have probably succeeded at cheating on Erika. You need to stop trying to step into my life Jake!"
Emilio grabbed my waist and I immediately turned around hugging him. I hadn't yelled but I said it loud enough that everyone could hear me. Emilio kissed my forehead.
EC: "You tried cheating on me?"
J: "Erika don't listen to Maddie you know how she is."
EC: "Your right I do, she doesn't lie. So answer my question, did you cheat in me?"
J: "No of course not."
EC: "But you have tried?"
J: "Only once and I wasn't thinking straight!"
EC: "Were you drunk?"
J: "No."
EC: "Then you were thinking straight! What the fuck is wrong with you!"
J: "Erika babe come, I didn't actually ever cheat."
EC: "Oh you're right, you know I should be more like Maddie, and just give you what you want, no it doesn't matter if you attempted or actually did cheat why don't we just go have sex and make up!"
G: "Erika..."
EC: "You know what they say about the Paul's is so true, you can never trust a Paul, your family is so fucked up. Maddie just goes and has sex with anyone willing, Jake and Logan are fuck boys and Greg doesn't care about what they do."
"That's not true Erika."
EC: "Really cause you've slept with Chance, Anthony, Logan and Emilio."
"I've never slept with Ivan or Jake or you know any of my fucking fans!"
EC: "You said you wouldn't ever say anything about that!"
"You brought it on yourself Erika."

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