76: What's A Threesome?

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She acted like she hadn't just said that and grabbed Logan's hand pulling him upstairs to her room. Emilio and I stood up and went upstairs to get dressed. I put on a pair of shorts and a pink savage hoodie. I walked into Victoria's room where she had pulled Logan.
  V: "Hi mommy!"
  "Uh hi?"
  V: "I was just showing daddy my favorite doll."
  "Okay are you guys hungry?"
  V: "Yeah!"
  L: "I was gonna go get something."
  "Nonsense, I'll make something."
  L: "Mads you don't have to."
  "But I want to. What do you want Victoria?"
  V: "Fruit Salad?"
  I turned around and walked downstairs. I pulled out the things for the salad and quickly made it. Victoria and Logan walked in right when I finished. I smiled and set a bowl on her high chair, then picked her up and set her in her high chair. I handed Logan a bowl.
  L: "Uh thanks Mads. Where's Emilio?"
  "He got in the shower, he should be back down in a few minutes."
  L: "And you're not with him?"
"Logan our daughter is in the room, the least you could do is not think or talk about that right now."
  L: "Hey I can't help it, I haven't been able to do that for a couple of months."
  "Go to the club and find someone to do it with you."
  L: "They wouldn't be good enough."
  E: "Okay baby I am going!"
  "Aww leaving so soon?"
  E: "Ivan will be..."
  I kissed him, as he tried to finish his sentence. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed back passionately. Sliding his tongue in my mouth we stood there connected for a few seconds.
  "Please Emi?"
  E: "Fine, but you know Ivan is gonna come in here and create a sence."
  "Emilio, yesterday was my birthday I am sure he'll be fine with you staying at your house for a few minutes. Besides what happens when you become a father, if we end up with twins I am going to need help."
  E: "We can hire an nanny."
  E: "I am joking but that's different, of course I'll be staying home a little longer. But also I could take them and Ivan and I can watch them."
  L: "Why didn't you just move back in with Ivan?"
  "Because we needed privacy and Alex is a problem."
  E: "Sorry I would ignore her except for the fact that she is the mother of my kids."
  V: "Emilio has kids?"
  "Yes he does."
  V: "Why don't I get to meet them?"
  "Well uh..."
  L: "Mommy has been busy dealing with her job sweetheart."
  V: "But Emilio could take me."
  "Emilio has his work to do, babygirl."
V: "So? I don't get in your way or daddy's way when you guys are vlogging."
  E: "Victoria you need to listen to your mom."
  V: "I am listening, I am just saying the truth."
  "Good god she's like me. Uh when is Alex bringing the your kids next?"
  E: "Today, she  has been coming almost everyday to annoy her brother."
  E: "What are you gonna do?"
  "First I am going to see if Jake is in trouble or not and then I'll bring Victoria to Ivan's house."
  L: "Why don't you just FaceTime him?"
  "Because he never answers, you know this."
  L: "He always answers me."
  "Because you've probably stolen something from him."
  L: "Okay that's true."
  I grabbed my phone and called Jake surprised when he answered.
  J: "I hate you Maddison."
  J: "This shit is so uncomfortable."
  L: "Please my merch is a lot softer than yqours. This is uncomfortable."
  J: "You're already fucking Logan again Maddie?"
  "Jake shut up, by the way our daughter is in the room so watch your language."
  J: "So you're doing it with your daughter in the house?"
  "Oh my god Jake I am going to come over there and kill you."
  L: "You know I am good in bed."
  "Okay bye Jake."
  J: "Bye love you have fun."
  E: "Jake I am here!"
  J: "Oh threesome!"
  He hang up before I could say anything. I looked at Logan and then Emilio. I went over and picked up Victoria. She wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me.
  V: "What's a threesome?"
  L: "Don't worry about it and it's nothing you should be doing ever either."
  "Logan if she wants to do that then she should be able to but not until she's out of high school."
  E: "So you're coming to work with me?"
  E: "Ya know that's gonna piss Ivan off."
  "What do you want me to do about it?" I set Victoria down and she ran out of the room. "Give him a blow job? I am allowed to spend time with you."
  E: "Nobody said that you couldn't spend  time with me. Tessa is coming over anyways so he should be fine."

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