61: Hannah

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I went back to the team ten house.
JR: "Hey Maddie."
"Hey Justin. I'm have you seen Anthony?"
JR: "He is in his room, I think he said he was going to change before we go out to dinner, for a meeting."
"Oh okay. When are you guys leaving?"
JR: "Um not for a while. Why are you so nervous Maddie?"
"I am not nervous, thanks Justin."
I ran up to Tony's room. I knocked on the door. No answer, I could tell he was in there though Athena was sitting at the door.
"Tony? I am coming in."
I walked into his room, Athena following me.
A: "Oh hey Maddie."
"Uh can we talk?"
A: "I thought you were mad at me."
"This is important."
A: "It's fine with me."
Chance walks out of Anthony's closet. I look at him and smile.
"Uh I need to talk to you alone."
C: "What's it about?"
A: "Chance come on, can you leave?"
C: "Fine but your telling me later."
A: "Of course."
Chance left the room. I went and shut and locked the door. I took a deep breath then went over to his bed and sat down.
"You can't tell Chance, I have to do it myself."
A: "I never tell him anything that happens between you and me. What is it?"
"I had a baby in Spain."
A: "What?"
"I had another baby in Spain."
A: "Why are you telling me this? It couldn't be mine."
"I thought you would say that. And honestly your right, kind of. But you and Chance are the last ones I had sex with. Emilio was to occupied with Alex."
A: "Maddie, don't prank me like this."
"It's not a prank Anthony. But believe what you want to believe. It's fine I never thought that you or Chance would be able to take care if a baby."
A: "Maddison stop."
"Fine you got me, I was pranking you. Guess your just to smart for me to prank."
A: "Maddison you're scaring me."
"Sorry Anthony, I'll just go, I have to talk to Chance."
I walked out of the room and went next door to Chance's Room. I knocked on the door and was greeted by a very happy Chance. I looked down.
"Um I need to talk to you."
C: "Uh okay, is this about what you talked to Anthony about?"
"Yeah, can I come in?"
C: "Anytime."
I walked into his room and sat down on his bed. He shut the door and came over. Sitting next to me and putting his arm around me.
"Chance, I had a baby in Spain."
C: "Wait, you had a baby in Spain? But I know for a fact that theast person you had sex with is me and Anthony."
"I know."
C: "Maddie I don't know weather to to be happy or scared or what."
"I didn't either but I have to go to Spain to get her."
C: "Maddie what are you going tell Emilio?"
"I don't know, he'll know it's not his."
C: "Okay. I hope it goes well for you."
"Yeah me too."
I got up and left his room going down the stairs. I ran into Erika.
E: "Hey Maddie. Aren't you coming to dinner with us?"
"Eh I better not, I have to go to Logan's and pick up Victoria. And then we are going to look at houses."
E: "You know Jake has really been looking forward to you hanging out with him Chance and Anthony."
"I know but I am just moving back and next week I have to go back to Spain for a day. I promise I will make time for him."
E: "I don't see how you can be so busy, but okay have fun."
I walked out and climbed into my car. Logan called me.
"Hey Logan."
L: "Did you talk to Chance and Anthony?"
"Yeah, I did."
L: "Okay well why don't you call Emilio and ask him out on a date and thenI will watch Victoria so you can have that conversation with him."
"Yeah okay."
A Few Hours Later
E: "Maddie."
"Yes Emilio?"
E: "You know you look as beautiful as ever right?"
E: "Hey I compliment you, you are my... I don't know what we are right now."
"I know it's complicated. But I can be whatever you want me to be with you, but I don't want you to make that decision until after I tell you something."
E: "What is it love?"
"I had another baby, while I was in Spain."
E: "Who's baby is it?"
"Chance's or Anthony's. I told you that I didn't have sex with anyone and I didn't lie about that."
E: "Where is the baby?"
"In Spain."
E: "Why? But with who?"
"Well she's with..."
E: "With?"
"Your mom."
E: "Maddie how could you leave that big of a responsibility on my mom."
"I didn't want to, she somehow found out I was staying in Spain. She just showed up at my apartment and found me with two kids."
E: "How come she never called us?"
"I don't know, I think she kind of knew what was going on. I think she knew I was hiding. But Emilio?"
E: "Maddie?"
"Are you mad at me?"
E: "I can't be I told you that you could do it. I cheated in the first place. I was the one to make a mistake but I have to admit. I lied about not having had sex, I thought it would have been better but Alex is pregnant again."
"Emilio, you have no idea how much I love you but maybe we should just split it off, I mean I have two kids that aren't yours and you have two kids that aren't mine."
E: "Maddie I told you I don't want to be with her. Your the only girl for my heart, it just so happens that we both made mistakes. Maddie I want you to be my wife, and I want your kids to mine as well. I don't care if my blood isn't running through their veins." I looked away, I wanted it to but I felt like I couldn't trust him. He just admitted that he lied to me about sleeping with Alex again. He was so sweet but could I trust him. He lifted my chin up and pinned me against the wall. "You know we could make kids of our own. I can move in with you, Victoria and..."
"Uh Ashley."
E: "And Ashley and then you will know that I am not cheating."
"I can't keep an eye on you 24/7. You could still cheat on me. But honestly, I don't know if I could control myself around Logan."
E: " So what are we gonna do, we both know we want to be together but we both know that we wouldn't be able to control ourselves."
"I guess we could try, and what happens, happens."
E: "So you want me to move in with you?"
"Of course I do, I would want my husband to live with me but not in the house your living in now it's to big."
E: "Okay and what about Ivan?"
"What about him? We can move somewhere close by to them so you can still go over there whenever you want."
He smiled and then kissed me. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed back.
Fan: "Aw Madilio is back!"
We stopped kissing and looked at the fangirl.
Fan: "Hi, I am Hannah. Also don't worry I wasn't listening to your guys conversation, I was just coming over to say hi, when you guys kissed."
E: "Well hi then Hannah."
"Do you want a picture or something?"
H: "Um sure."
"Okay so who's channel are you a fan of?"
H: "Both channels, I have missed your videos."
"Right, well the first one is back tomorrow."
H: "Really!"
"Yeah, hold on." I pulled out a piece of my merch that I was going to be dropping soon out of my backpack. "This is a piece of my new drop that'll be coming soon, you can have it."
H: "Really?"
Emilio put his arm around my waist. The girl looked at us and then happily walked over to her mother. Her mother looked over at us and smiled then they walked off.

Maddison Paulحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن