6: MVP

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Logan's phone rang, I got up off of the couch and went into my room, there was something I wanted to do. This was a bad idea, but I have worn shorts like these in front of him before. I look over to my bed and see the twins next to each other sleeping peacefully. I start to get dressed I put on a pair of short shorts and a crop top then walk back into the living room. Logan almost drops his phone but looks away and starts talking on the phone again. I shake my head feeling hands wrap around my waist.
"Buenos Dias, mi armor."
I turned around to make sure it was Emilio. I took a few seconds to see, looking in my bed to find the other twin still asleep. A couple more and then I pull him into a hug.
"Good Morning Emilio." He let's go of me and I kiss his cheek.
Logan: "Dad is on his way over with Jake. I suggest you change Maddison."
Logan: "Dad wouldn't approve of that outfit."
"I am an adult and I am ma..."
Ivan: "Woah Maddie looking cute."
"Okay I will change."
Logan: "Uh I think you guys should go out for a little bit."
Ivan: "Okay need help changing Maddie?"
"No I don't, I am not a child like you Ivan."
I turn around, shutting and locking my door. I quickly change and come back to a living room with just Logan in the room. He looks upset. I walk over and sit down next to him.
"Logan what's the matter?"
Logan: "Nothing Maddie."
I put my hands on his waist and start to tickle him. He starts laughing and then pushes me off, climbing on top of me. Then tickling me.
Logan: "You shouldn't have done that Maddie."
"Okay... Logan... Stop... Please!" He stops and looks into my eyes, leaning in. He had my hands above my head. Jake and our dad walk in and he acts like we had just been wrestling each other.
Logan: "You've lost your touch Maddison."
"Well Logan you've been working out more. I'll get you next time."
Jake: "You two were, what exactly?"
"Wrestling, what would I do with my brother? Jake your so gross sometimes I swear."
Greg: "Maddison sit down I have something to tell you."
Logan: "Your gonna do that right now?"
"Okay? Um do you want something to eat first?"
Jake: "Hey Mads, why was Logan on top of you? Did you tell her?"
Logan: "No it's not my place to tell her that."
I walk over to Jake and slap him.
Jake: "What the hell?"
"Learn some respect Jake, still haven't learned from yesterday huh?"
Greg: "Okay that's enough Maddison Victoria Paul, sit your ass down." Side note, I don't know if you noticed dear reader but yes my initials is MVP which fits me. Me being the most active and have done wrestling, football, dance, and basketball in high school.
"Fine." I walk over to the couch and sit down. Jake and Logan going on either side of me. Our dad sits down and takes my hands in his. That's when I start to get nervous. "Okay stop, I already know." I pull my hands away and get up walking putting my hands on my face.
Greg: "How do you find out?"
"When I was 14 I got home and Pam was dropping off Logan and Jake, I overheard you guys talking and heard Pam say 'Greg I think you should tell them, if you keep waiting to tell the three of them that she's adopted then it's not going to be good' I didn't ask because I thought I heard wrong but yesterday, I was going through Logan's phone and read your conversation."
Logan: "Wait you read that?" I don't think he knew that I heard him whisper to himself. "Fuck my life."
Greg: "Your not upset?"
"No I mean I got grow up with two of the most amazing siblings and then a great dad. I shouldn't be upset that I didn't grow up in an orphanage or with people who didn't want me."
Greg: "Oh Maddie..." Then our dad starts to cry, something I have only rarely seen him do. I walk over and hug him tightly.
"Don't cry, it's okay."
Greg: "Your so grown up Maddison. I am so proud of you."
Jake: "Maddie?"
"Yeah Jake?"
Jake: "If you've known, what was going on between you and Logan when we got in here?"
Greg: "Jake!"
Logan: "Nothing was happening I didn't know that she knew. Besides I wouldn't like her in that way, she'll always be my little sister."
I get up and walk over to where Logan and Jake were standing. I bring them into a hug and pinch Jake.
Jake: "Ow Maddie."
"Don't forget that I am stronger than you Jake."
Jake: "Whatever I am going to go, team ten is waiting come on dad."
Greg: "Okay wait a sec Jake."
We say our goodbyes and I shut the door behind Jake and our dad. Logan is sitting on the couch.
"So I don't know how long the twins are going to be gone but I think it'll be awhile so..."
Logan: "Did you see the text that I didn't send to dad?"
I look at Logan and walk over to him, placing my hand on his cheek. I climb onto his lap and put my forehead against his. I placed my lips on Logan's, he finally put his arms around me placing them right above my butt. I pulled away and looked into his eyes.
"I love you Logan, I always have but I can't do this."
Logan: "I know Maddie, you're so beautiful. I have been trying to get over you for years now, I just don't think it's gonna happen." He places his hand on my face and moves my hair out of my face. I still have my hand on his face.
"Logan is it okay if we still say that we are siblings even though we aren't? I just don't want Emilio getting jealous of you and Jake."
Logan: "Yeah of course."
I turn around and cuddle into Logan's arms. Emilio and Ivan walk in, Ivan looks at me and smriks. Emilio smiles and comes sitting down next to me. I pull away from Logan and put myself in Emilio's arms. Logan and I holding onto each other's hands. I look at Emilio and we kiss.

Maddison PaulWhere stories live. Discover now