22: Fight With Logan

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We arrive at my house and I grab my stuff and get out of the car. After thanking Pam I walk to the front door and unlock it then set Azul back down and she immediately goes straight up to Logan's room. I shake my head and walk inside trying to be quiet as to not wake up my dad but I get inside and find him sitting on the couch working on something.
"Hi dad."
G: "Maddie how did you?"
"Oh right Pam just dropped me off, I had a flight with Logan so since she was picking him up, she decided that she would drop me off."
G: "Jake is going to come over tomorrow."
"I know I will just stay in my room, like I usually do when I am mad at one of the boys."
G: "Maddie I would appreciate if you would spend time with us though."
"You boys are going to do something to crazy for me to be able to do while I am pregnant. I might as well just catch up on sleep while you guys have fun."
G: "Well you could still, oh no you can't. You're right Maddie. Okay fine but you will be eating with us. Also how are you going to vlog while you're here?"
"Oh right, um I don't know, I could pretend like you invited me over for Christmas and title my video Christmas with the Pauls. Anyways did my packages get here?"
G: "Yeah they are in your room. I didn't open them."
"Thank you, I am going to go to bed okay?"
G: "Yeah go for it, I will wake you up before the boys get here so you don't have to go through the pranks."
"Thank you, I love you dad."
G: "I love you to sweetheart."
I go up to my room and put my packages away in the closet, I would usually wrap my gifts to everyone and the gifts from dad but this year I wasn't planning on it. I laid down in my bed and then my phone rang, it was Logan face timing me. I sighed then answered it.
L: "Maddie I told you not to tell her."
"Hey I didn't tell her that it is yours. You know you can't keep controlling me! Besides I can't really hide the fact that my stomach is getting bigger, you need to grow some balls and tell her."
L: "That's not happening."
"Well then I am not giving you what you want for Christmas. And I will move back to Ohio with dad."
L: "Yeah right, Emilio wouldn't move with you."
"So I can visit him."
L: "Mads I swear you are so..."
"Don't say it Loges."
L: "Fine I won't but I don't want her to yell at me."
"Well do you actually want the baby then Logan?"
L: "I didn't mean it that way Maddie."
"Well then you are going to tell her, if anything she should be happy she's been asking for grandkids."
L: "Not from her ex husband's adopted daughter."
"Really you are going to bring that up right now? Ugh whatever Logan, I have to go."
I hung up on Logan and then end up calling Anthony. I ask him if he is Ohio and when he says that he is I ask him if he can come over to my house. I wasn't allowed to be with Tony at night so I couldn't go to his house. He agreed and I got up out of my bed and went back downstairs.
"Dad, Tony is coming over is that okay?"
G: "Don't you think that that is going to piss off Jake?"
"Yeah but my being pregnant pisses him off."
G: "Okay but lock your bedroom door and I will try to keep the boys occupied."
"Thanks dad." A couple minutes later Tony is at the door. I pull him in and up to my room. Where he takes off his coat and things. "Thank you Tony."
A: "Hey if you need me to comfort you I am here."
"I know that's why I called you. Also I have to lock my door the boys are coming over tomorrow."
A: "Taking risks like we used to Maddison?"
"Shh my dad doesn't know about those times."
A: "No one knows that we were dating except for my dad."
A: "I shouldn't have brought that up, sorry Maddie."
"It's fine. Now I am going to go change and then can we cuddle?"
A: "Of course Maddie."
I go and change into my pajamas and then come back into my room, shutting and locking the door. Then I climb into my bed next to Anthony cuddling into his arms.
Anthony's POV
I was talking to my dad when Maddie called me. I talked to her in front of him. He didn't approve of Maddie because he caught her sneaking into her house. He didn't know the whole story, at night Logan, Jake, Chance, Maddie and I would all sneak out and go into the woods. She had accidentally left her blanket in the woods and had to go back to get it so we wouldn't be caught. The timing was horrible because my dad was driving by when he saw her and I walking back from the woods with a blanket.
"Son you still love her?"
"Yeah of course I do."
"Then go, I know you two didn't do anything together. So go get your girl Tony."
I couldn't break it to my dad that she wasn't couldn't be mine. But I left anyways knowing that Maddie needed me.

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