7: Agreement

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A week had passed and Emilio and I hadn't gotten to spend a lot of time alone. Logan hadn't been over but Ivan was constantly breathing down our backs. Emilio and Ivan would sleep on the couch together me in my bed alone. I was going over to Logan's house today with Azul. I got out of bed and put on a pair of black leggings with a crop top. I walked out of my room finding Emilio awake. I was longing his touch, we bearly kissed when Ivan was around seeing as Ivan hates that we are dating. I brought him into my room, shutting and locking the door.
"Baby he will hear us."
"Do I look like I care right now Emi? It's been a week. Plus I know you want to too."
"Not with Ivan here besides I have to go pack back up for Hawaii with Chad."
"I could pay for a later flight for you, please Emi."
"No baby."
I shook my head and opened the door Ivan still asleep. I go into the kitchen and grab a spoon and a jar of peanut butter. Emilio looks at me and then down at the floor. He stands there staring for a few seconds.
"What is it Emilio?"
Emilio: "Are you pregnant?"
"No I am not, why would you think that?"
Emilio: "Never mind."
Ivan: "Oh my god I wish I could wake up to that ass, everyday."
"Go pack I am going to leave to Logan's. Have fun in Hawaii."
I grab my purse and shoes then leave my apartment. I arrive at Logan's thirty minutes later hearing him fighting with Chloe. I run upstairs to find her absolutely pissed.
Chloe: "Ugh you such a jerk!"
Logan: "We were never dating! What the hell is your problem?"
Chloe: "You said that we could be more and now you don't want to? You're not going to be getting any sex from anyone."
"Chloe you alright?"
Chloe: "Oh Maddie your here, okay you will agree with me. Your brother just said that he doesn't like me at all. Like how fucked up is that?"
"Umm... Pretty fucked up but uh, if he has enough balls to tell you that then you should respect that."
Chloe: "Okay fine but you will be coming back in tears Logan."
Logan: "Yeah your right now can you please leave, you didn't have to invite my sister into this."
She shakes her head and leaves when Logan hears the door shut he quickly runs out to check that she actually left then runs back into his room scooping me up and throwing me on his bed. His roommates gone for some reason.
"Logan what are you doing?"
"You know Maddie."
"Didn't you have sex last night with Chloe?"
"No, she showed up on me this morning."
"I am married Logan."
"That didn't stop you from kissing your big brother."
"Kissing and sex are two completely different things."
"Come on I know you want to the way your holding me says it all."
I looked where my hands were, I had placed them on his hips and was pulling him closer. "Only because I am sexually frustrated right now."
"I could fix that if your husband is not going to."
"Logan..." He places his lips on mine, dammit the disadvantage of him having known me my whole life, he knew exactly what I wanted because we had talked about that topic. Which now that I think about it, it's really weird to have that conversation with your brothers. But when you are all two to three years apart and hang out with the same friend group then you get to know things you might not have wanted to.
I give in kissing him back. He pulls away pulling off his shirt and mine as well. He looks at his watch.
"Okay we only have an hour."
"An hour? You need more time than an hour."
"Well if we were going to be eating each other then yes."
"Logan I still don't feel comfortable with doing this."
"It's too late now, you already agreed."
He looks at my body admiring it. Then places his soft hand on my face.Then smashes his lips onto mine, god damn it. I am cheating on my husband within the first week. I pulled myself out from under Logan. Tears start rolling down my face.
"Maddie what's wrong."
"I don't want to do this to Emilio. I love him, and I love you but I don't want to cheat."
"Then go home and get him Maddie, if Ivan isn't going to leave Emilio's side just pull Emilio into your room and lock the door."
I shake my head and get up. Grabbing my shirt throwing it on.
"I will come back tomorrow, Logan, I love you."
"Okay see you tomorrow Mads."
I drive to my apartment and then sit in my car for a few seconds, fixing my makeup. I walk up to my apartment and find the twins sitting on the couch watching a movie. I go and sit down in between them. I grab Emilio's hand and watch the movie that they were watching from a little bit. Then I got up and pulled Emilio with me.
"What are you doing Maddie?"
"Just come on."
"No I told you no."
"Fine, I will be in my room."
I go in my room slamming and locking the door. Emilio knew he fucked up. I needed some action and if Emilio wasn't going to give it to me then I didn't know what I was going to do. I layed down on my bed and started to open Instagram. Emilio knocks on the door.
"Maddie I am sorry but I just don't want to do it."
"Maddie, come on please open the door and come back out here with us."
"Isn't available right now."
"Maddie you know why I don't want to, stop being stubborn."
"Just go away Emilio, why don't you go meet up with Chad early?"
"He is already in Hawaii."
I get up and go to the door. I slowly open it. He brings me into a hug. I don't hug back but let him hug me.
Ivan: "Emilio, give the girl what she wants, good god you could have just asked me to leave."
"No bro, she can't always get what she wants."
Ivan: "Your going to be gone for months, she deserves a little bit of action."
"Ivan stop!"
Ivan: "I'll finger you Maddie."
"No thanks Ivan. I am just going to go to bed. Emilio have fun in Hawaii."
"Babygirl please don't be like this."
Ivan: "What did you just say?"
"I act how I want, I give you what you want. Why can't you give me what I want? I have had a ruff week Emilio."
"I doubt that any Paul problems is probably just like, I spilt something on my shirt."
"You asshole!" I grab my purse and start to walk out my apartment stopping at the door. "I have supported you the whole time you saw what I did to my brother for you! Then you have blame this on me?" I turn around and walk out the door, getting in my car and taking a few deep breaths. I drive to Logan's, I still didn't want to hurt the twins. I get out of my car and walk inside to Logan.
"Maddie I thought you weren't coming till tomorrow."
"I got in a fight with Emilio. I couldn't stay in my apartment."
"Oh little sis..." I hadn't noticed Brenden or Evan sitting there. I sit down at the table with them. "What did he say?"
"That we only have problems like oh I split something on my shirt."
"Oh well I was going to go to the club with my boys but I think I better stay here and comfort you."
Brenden: "Oh okay, damn we never get to go and have fun anymore."
Logan: "I am taking you to Dubai! And I am giving the keys to my car so you and Evan can go out to the club, bro don't complain."

Maddison Paulजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें