65: Mommy Kissed Daddy

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Emilio Ivan and I arrived at Emilio and I's house, a few minutes later Taylor arrived. She came in and looked around the entrance.
T: "It's very empty Maddie."
"We just moved in."
T: "Two weeks ago, don't you want it to feel like home?"
"It's does feel like home, anywhere Emilio is feels like home to me."
E: "Maddie."
"It's true. Anyways, I haven't decided what I am doing with this room yet. The rest of the rooms have a plan just haven't gotten the furniture yet."
I: "Your letting her decorate your house."
E: "She is paying the bills because you have to pay for our house."
Logan walked in with Anthony and Chance.
V: "Daddy!"
L: "Victoria you just saw me."
V: "But you never come over to our house, we always go to your house."
I: "Maybe there is a reason for that."
"Ivan, can we talk?"
I: "Why cause you want your know why I am being rude to Logan all of the sudden."
I: "Just save it Maddison, I am gonna go home. Bye Emilio."
Ivan pushed past us and walked out the door. I looked at Emilio and he shook his head.
V: "Mommy don't worry about Ivan, he said that he was fine."
L: "Victoria what did he say to you?"
V: "Nothing."
"Logan just drop it, if he wants to act that he can."
T: "Okay maybe I should just go to Maddie, I'll call you later."
"Uh okay."
Taylor left. I walked into the living room and sat down on the couch. Logan Chance and Anthony came in sitting down.
L: "Are you okay Maddie?"
"Of course, I am just stressed out right now."
C: "Maddie don't worry about Jake or Ivan it's just important to take care of yourself right now."
A: "I agree."
"I know and that's what I have been doing, you guys. But with moving and this album coming out I haven't been able to deal with everything that I need done."
L: "Then maybe you shouldn't be vlogging everyday as well."
"I am not going to do that Logan, you have no idea how many fans it crushed when you stopped vlogging everyday. I took a year off and that's as much as I am going to do."
L: "Hey I do my best."
"In what fortnite? Taking care Victoria, Logan I rarely see with your vlog camera anymore."
A: " Maddie, Logan just isn't passionate about vlogging anymore. He wants to entertain not just vlog."
"Don't you think I know that? But spending your whole life playing fortnite, isn't going to get you far. You haven't had a roll in a movie in a long time, you barely vlog and yeah you have your podcast but that's one day out of seven."
L: "Who is trying to control whose life now?"
"I am not! I am just stating the facts. I am going to go up to bed."
L: "Mad..."
"I am going to go to bed, just leave me alone for the rest of the night."
Logan's POV
Maddie walked upstairs, I knew that she hated when people compared her and Jake, but I was stupid and did it anyways.
A: "Logan she is just sensitive, she'll get over it before tomorrow."
E: "Logan it's okay, she had a bad day."
"I know that and I made it worse."
C: "Logan you didn't do anything of the sort. She is just being her stubborn self, she'll be back to normal tomorrow. Let's just go home and come back tomorrow. She loves you and she knows that you would never hurt her on purpose."
E: "Logan please leave, Chance is right. I should know more than anyone about how much she loves you."
"What do you mean?"
E: "Her and I talk about you and Alex all the time, same with you Anthony. She really does love you guys, her face brightens up when your name is mentioned. And not that I would ever mention this to her but she sleep talks, especially when she's had a bad day."
A: "But how can you be happy when she..."
E: "I know she is the same way with me, maybe a little bit more and recently she's been more into making love or cuddling rather than sex."
"What's the difference between making love and having sex?"
E: "Making love is more slow and passionate. I don't know really."
C: "Can you guys stop talking about having sex or making love with Maddie?"
A: "Hey I didn't bring up the topic, I have only slept with her once. Whereas those two are..."
"Shut up, Anthony."
E: "It's fine, Logan if she wasn't with me I would want her to be with you."
"Uh thanks Emilio."
Maddison's POV
I listened as they talked among each other. Holding Victoria on my lap.
V: "Mommy what are they talking about?"
"Don't worry about it Victoria, you'll understand when you are older."
V: "Mommy is Hannah actually gonna go live with Jake?"
"I don't know, Victoria, but her daddy wants her to."
V: "What do you want mommy?"
"I don't know Victoria, I am trying to figure that out."
V: " Why don't you know? I thought you loved Emilio and only Emilio."
"Victoria, I love a lot of people including Jake, but it's complicated with Jake."
V: "Do you actually love daddy?"
"Yes, I do, I love him just as much as I love Emilio."
V: "And what about Anthony?"
"Victoria why do you keep asking me these questions?"
V: "Because I want to know more about you guys. Can you tell me the story of your first kiss with daddy? Oh and then your first kiss with Emilio?"
"Sure Victoria, but you go get get into your pajamas and then climb into bed and I will be in there to tell you."
V: "Okay mommy!"
She stood up and ran into her room. I got up walked back downstairs. The boys looked at me.
L: "I will..."
"No, Chance is right. I am just being stubborn."
C: "See I..."
"Don't gloat, Chance."
C: "Sorry."
E: "How much of that conversation did you hear?"
"You guys were just talking about having sex with me. And the fact that I heard Chance say that I was being stubborn was a pretty good hint."
Emilio closed his eyes. I could see the worried look on his face. I walked over to him and kissed him. He opened his eyes and wrapped his arms around me. I put my arms around him. He set his chin on my shoulder.
E: "Go ahead, Maddie."
I pulled away and looked at him, he nodded in response. I could tell that it was extremely awkward in the room. I pressed my lips together, then walked over to Logan.
L: "Mads I am..."
I pulled him down to my lips pressing ours together. He resistantly put his arms around me. When I finally felt him put his arms around me, I wanted more.
V: "Mommy..." Logan pulled away and looked up. Then back at me. I turned around and saw Victoria standing there in her pajamas. A smile formed on her face. "Mommy kissed daddy!"
"Victoria I thought I told you to do something."
V: "I did what you told me to but you were taking forever."
"Okay, let's go up to your room then sweetheart."

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