21: Ohio Christmas

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I sat there in silence as Jake got really upset. Tony and Chance walked in and saw what was happening. I didn't move a muscle but Tony came over and pulled me off the couch further away from my brother. He pushed me behind him. Jake started throwing things. My dad just sat there and let him through his fit.
J: "What the fuck are they gonna tell the public? Logan can't just have this kid show up looking exactly like him and Maddie is going to have to tell the public about Emilio, she can't pretend that the baby is Emilio's either!"
C: "What is going on? Maddison is pregnant and what does that have to do with Logan?"
J: "And Jeff isn't going to be happy about Logan having a baby!"
"Jake please stop yelling."
A: "Shh do you need..."
"No I need Jake to stop! He doesn't have to worry about me anymore I am not baby! I am an adult and I don't want my brother making decisions for me! I am gonna go you can come if you want to dad but I am not going to come back here unless Jake apologises to me."
I grab my keys and head toward the door only to be stopped by Anthony and Chance.
A: "Maddie what about me?"
"I can't be around Jake anymore Tony, you know why."
C: "But he needs you you can't just leave him."
"Like he just left me? I think he will be fine he has all that he needs which is Erika he doesn't need another girl to be confused about."
A: "Again whatever forget about Jake what about us?"
"You can visit me but I am sick of not being able to be myself because of my brother you know where I live and I will tell you my address when I move."
C: "Maddie don't do this."
"I am doing what is best for me, I have to consider myself sometimes too, I messed up once and I don't want to mess up again not when I think I can finally be happy again."
A: "Let her go Chance."
I walk back over to the boys and hug them. "I love you guys." I kiss their cheeks and then walk out surprised that Jake didn't try to stop me.
A few weeks later
I hadn't seen or heard from Jake in weeks, he wasn't mad at me he just hadn't called. Anthony and Chance had visited once but not for long. I am packing to go back to Ohio for Christmas. Emilio came up behind me and started to place kisses on my neck.
"Emilio stop I am trying to concentrate."
E: "Fine but I am upset."
"I told you that I was going to Ohio for Christmas you, Ivan and Ruben can come."
E: "I am not upset about that..."
"What is it now Emilio?"
I: "Maddie!"
"Oh good god your brother is a child. What do you want Ivan?"
I: "Nothing."
E: "Stop being so stressed out."
"I can't I have to spend a week with Jake and to add onto that I am pregnant which increases my stress levels."
Anthony walks in my room. A: "I am interrupting something?"
"Hey Tony."
E: "No nothing."
A: "What are you doing Maddie?"
"I am packing I have a flight in two hours."
A: "Oh okay well I was just going to ask if you wanted to get something to eat?"
"Actually that would be great. Emilio?"
E: "No you can go with Anthony."
"Okay, just let me finish packing I just have to get my..."
E: "It's in the bathroom, go I'll get it for you."
"Thank you, love." I kiss Emilio's cheek and then walk out of my room. I feel Ivan staring at me but that's usual. "Ivan stop."
I: "Fine but you need to stop being so pretty Maddison."
I shake my head and then walk out the door. Tony grabs my hand. I look down and then stop.
A: "What's the matter?"
"Nothing I just never mind."
I continue to walk getting outside of my apartment building and climbing into the team ten van. Tony drives us to Chipotle. We have lunch just like we did when we were dating. We were walking out and got mobbed by fans. But after a few photos and signing things we were back on our way to the team ten van.
"Tony you really need to..." I got interrupted by Anthony crashing his lips onto mine. I should have pulled away but instead I pulled him closer, turning the kiss into a make out session.
A: "I am sorry I couldn't help it Maddie."
"It's fine. But we better get going because I have to be on a plane in about an hour."
A:"Right okay let's go."
Back at my apartment Logan was waiting for me. I happily give him a hug and then say good bye to Anthony.
L: "Okay you ready to go?"
"Mmm yeah. Let me just say bye to Emilio."
L: "Um I think Emilio went out with Alex."
"Oh okay let's go then."
L: "Okay I already put your stuff in the car."
A few hours later
We arrived in Ohio pretty late and Pam was coming to pick us up. She got to the airport and Logan started filming so I stood back and became silent until the camera was off.
P: "Hi Maddie long time no see."
"Pam it's good to see you."
P: "So I wasn't planning on going to Greg's but if I need to drop you off I can Maddison."
L: "No it's out of your way mom, she can stay with us until tomorrow."
P: "Shouldn't that be Maddison's decision?"
"No that's fine."
P: "Well where is she gonna sleep? Jake's here so she can't sleep in Jake's room."
L: "She can sleep in my room with me."
"Or I can just call a cab, it's fine Logan."
L: "No Maddie."
"You don't control me Logan."
P: "Maddie no offense but you look bigger than usual, are you pregnant?"
I watched as Logan froze and looked at his mom. I smiled and put my hand on my stomach knowing that Logan didn't want Pam knowing that I am pregnant.
"Yes I am."
P: "Oh Maddie why would you go and get yourself in a situation like that? Who's the father please tell me that you know him."
"Yeah I know him pretty well, if I do say so myself. And to answer your first question, I got married so why not?"
P: "Your only eighteen who did you get married to?"
"Well you know him he used to be a part of team ten."
P: "Hmm? Okay then, Maddison I will just drop you off at Greg's, seeing as you probably don't want to see Jake then."
"Yeah you don't have to I can wait for a cab."
P: "No I insist come on you shouldn't be by yourself anyways."

Maddison PaulWhere stories live. Discover now