(66) Seokmin

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im on spring break so ill try to update frequently (even tho my break is only a week)

do you guys prefer me talking to you in third person like Y/N is another character (basically like the Jihoon imagine and this one) or like my regular chaps where its like "You felt the heat rush to your cheeks"

unedited (again...oops??)

Seokmin stuffed his hands into his pocket. Breathing out heavily.

It was spring but it as cold as fuck. It dosen't make sense but thats Korea for you.

"Aigoo~" Seokmin sighed as he rested his head against the cold park bench.

He just sat there, in the cold. Watching everyone run around, trying to find a place to warm themseleves up. But here he was, sitting in the cold.

Citizens didn't really pay attention to him since they wanted to warm themseleves up.

Seokmin closed his eyes, only to feel someone's breath on his face.

He opened his eyes and was faced with a girl.

"Hello! My name is Y/N...may I ask why you are sitting the cold?" She asked. Her bright smile warming up Seokmin's heart.

"A-Ah, I like the cold.." She started laughing and sat down beside him, smacking his back.

"Are you like Elsa or something?" She continued to laugh, making it difficult for her to breath.

"N-No?? Seriously did you need something from me?" She stopped laughing and turned towards him with a blank face.

"Eh? I don't need anything, I just felt bad seeing you suffer in the cold" Seokmin nodded and wrapped his scarf tighter around his neck.

"Are you still cold?" Seokmin nodded.

"Thats weird.." He turned towards her with a confused face.

"I thought me, being the hawty I am, would warm you up" She pouted.

Seventeen Imagines (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now