(4) Junhui

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"Jun im scared of horror movies" You whined as he was about to start the movie.

You guys were having a movie night and he decides to play a horror movie.

"Its fine, but im here to protect you" He said as he pulled you towards him.

You both were laying on the ground with pillows and blankets surrounding you guys.

He then snuggled up close to you and held your hand. "Ill always protect you" He smiled pecking you on the cheek.

"okay" You sighed.

*a few minutes into the movie*

A girl was fractically running around her house trying to hide from the murder.

Suddenly when she opened the door the murder popped out.

"AUGHHH" You screamed hearing, in the background you could hear Jun chuckle in amusement.

"Please stop the movie" You pleaded. "Okay okay, just for you" He said as he turned off the tv.

"im scared now " You whined. He suddenly pulled you towards him, making your face stuffed up against his chest, you then felt his hand wrapping itself around your waist.

He stroked your hair while singing a few songs. Calming you down

"I love you" You mumbled out, slowly drifting off to sleep.

"I love you too"

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