(53) Jihoon

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unedited :)

You gripped onto your bag as entered the place. You finally got to go to a Seventeen fansign and thus, here you are.

You smiled happily as you saw the boys step on the stage.

They were smiling brightly as usual.


You held on your album excitedly as the girl in front of you moved.

The first person was Chan. You smiled at Chan and he smiled back.

"Hello!" He cheered.

You chuckled at his cuteness and placed your album down.


"Whats your name?" He asked.

"My name is Y/N" You smiled.

He nodded and signed your album, making sure to write your name correctly.

"Please move" The staff told you.

You nodded and grabbed you album, making sure to thank him before moving to the member beside him.

It was Seungcheol.

"Hello!" He chuckled at your happiness.

You waved at him and placed your album down.

"Y/N right?" He asked.

He must've overheard you talking to Chan.

"Where are you from?" He asked as he signed the book.

"Im from (Your Birthplace)" He looked up and smiled.

"Oh really! Thats cool" He smiled and handed you back your album.

You thanked him before moving onto the next member.


His smile really did brighten up the place.

"Hello! Whats your nameu?" He asked in english.

"I can speak korean" You chuckled.

"Oh, oops"

You handed him your album and he signed his page.

"How long have you been a fan?" He asked as he handed back the album.

"Ive been a fan for (number of years)" He nodded and waved goodbye to you.

The next member made your heart stop.


"H-Hello!" You bowed, making him chuckle.

"Are you nervous?" He asked as he held your hand lovingly.

You nodded as your cheeks heated up.

"Y/N?" He asked.

You nodded as he let go of your hand in order to sign your album.

"Am I your bias?" He smirked.

You nodded your head, "yeah"

"Im sorry I couldn't get you anything" You pouted.

You heard him chuckle.

"You don't need to get me anything because you can be my gift" He winked as he handed you back your album.

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