(62) Jisoo

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Your body shook violently as you looked at the test in your hands

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Your body shook violently as you looked at the test in your hands.

It was your English test. An 'F' was written in the red in the corner of the paper.

You sighed and slumped down in the library seat. You surrounded yourself with English textbooks at the table.

'Im dead when ny parents see this test' You frowned and slammed your head into the textbook.

Someone tapped your shoulder, making you sit up.

"A-Are you okay?" A guy asked. The guy was Jisoo. Hong Jisoo.

"Your from America right?" You asked with a gleam of hope in your eyes. He smiled and nodded.

"Can you please help me with english? Ive been struggling" You pleaded as he picked up your english textbooks.



"JOSHUAAA" You screamed as you ran down the hallway. Holding the test in your hand. He turned towards you direction and opened his arms wide for you.

You ran into him, making him stumble back a bit.

"What is it?"

"I PASSED MY ENGLISH TEST!!" You cheered as you showed him the paper with an 'A' written on top.

He chuckled and lifted your chin up. You were too stunned to react when he connected your lips.

The students around you guys cheered as you broke the kiss.

A blush crept up on your cheeks as you hid your face in your hands.

"Thats your present for passing" He winked.

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