Alone No More

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I groaned as I sat up, my whole body was burning, and my hand...something wasn't right. I glanced down, my left index, gone, along with a trail of bites up my arm. How was I still alive? I pulled myself up using a nearby bed and looked around, I was in an infirmary. Why was I in here? But then I saw the empty syringe, the memories flooded back. Being strapped down and watching others turn and die in seconds, then after my turn, the Zs arrived, I ran and my arm was mauled. I hurriedly grabbed the knife from the nearby table, wanting any kind of defence possible.  Shivering slightly, I walked towards the door, where had the Zs gone? Looking around, they definitely weren't in these fields.

I quickly found the road and started walking, there was nothing in sight for miles but I had to try and do something, find something. Then I froze as I saw the zombies who stood, staring at me. Four. I gripped my knife harder and walked forwards, but they didn't attack, instead, they moved out of my way before following me. "What the fuck?" I mumbled turning around to face the new stalkers. I put away my knife and scratched my head, they copied, arms slowly going to their own heads then back down. I waved and once again they copied me. "Go away," I ordered they stopped following me in an instant, leaving me to continue on into the small, distant town.

Upon arrival, I spotted a clothes shop and shrugged, mine were all trashed anyway. There were a couple of zombies which I quickly spoke to as I looked for a new set of clothes. "Take that...ooh, grab it!." This continued for a while until I went into the changing room and picked out my favourite items. It was a black crop top, leather bottoms, a pair of black and red trainers and finally a red leather jacket which said bitchin on the back. I called one of the zombies in and looked at her name tag, "hey, um, Clara. You used to be a hairdresser, do mine. Something stylish yet practical." I ordered and the zombie quickly made her way over, it took about ten minutes but it was worth it. On my way out I spotted a leg knife sheath and strapped it on, it already had a knife inside and it was sharp, clean, perfect really.

I smiled at myself in the mirror before walking outside to continue my journey

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I smiled at myself in the mirror before walking outside to continue my journey. I had a feeling I would be just fine in the apocalypse, even with a missing finger and a chewed up arm.

2 years later
Over the past two years, I had gained complete control over my 'powers', well almost. I couldn't control more than 10 Zs at once, when I last checked half a year ago, but they refused to eat me which was a plus. Now I walked along the road, just like every other day, my only goal to stay alive.

I was knocked from my thoughts by two cars heading my way. I held out a hand to signal for a lift, I wanted water, no, I needed water. It slowly stopped and I watched as the people up front climbed out. "Hello. How can we help?" The man asked.
"I need water, please," I replied and he nodded to the woman behind him before walking over to me. "What's your name?" He asked.
"Jordan, you?" I responded.
"Garnett." He handed me the water bottle which had been brought out, and I drank a quarter before handing it back. "That felt like heaven." I smiled before starting to walk again.
"Hey, where you headed sweetheart?" I turned back towards the woman's voice and shrugged. "Nowhere, anywhere." She looked back at the truck before coming up to me.
"I'm Warren. Jordan, how about you come with us? We have space in the trailer if you don't mind." She suggested and I nodded.
"That would be great, thank you." And with that, she lead me back and I climbed into the back with another boy.

Soon we started moving and I stared out across the grass, sending the occasional glance at the guy sat next to me with a sniper. "You don't talk much." He suddenly spoke up making me jump.
"Could say the same for you." I replied, not looking at him.
"What's your name? I'm 10k." I sighed knowing he was starting a conversation and that there was no way I could get out of this. "Jordan. Why 10k?" I turned towards him.
"How many zombies I'm gonna kill, then it'll be Jeff." He replied and I nodded.
"Who are the others?" I asked and he looked ahead.
"You already know Garnett and Warren. With them is this new guy, and Murphy. Driving this one is Doc, next to him Cassandra and in the back, that's Addy and Mack." He told me and I nodded. I couldn't help but pull my sleeve down on my left arm, feeling exposed slightly with my bites. "If you don't mind me asking, what happened to your finger?" 10k asked and I looked down at my hand.
"Knife training accident. Self-taught and well, let's just say I'm a lot better now then I was. I could throw a knife and headshot a Z from a mile away." I half lied, I wasn't telling these people I was cured. They would send me off to a lab to be tested and stabbed with needles, constantly trapped inside the experimentation room. Again.

"So where we headed?" I asked and in response, he pointed behind me at the refinery in the distance. "Gas." I nodded in understanding and smiled. Finally, I wasn't alone.

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