Chapter 99: Temptation

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Dale's P.O.V.

The battle matrix was as bad as you'd imagine

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The battle matrix was as bad as you'd imagine.

I already knew it was gonna be horrible because before we even started there was soooo much tension in the room amongst the 40 of us.

And once it did start the tension got even worse.

Instead of a rainforest we were in a large cornfield.

And instead of all of the teams being separated we all ended up in the same place.

And let me tell you.... The hostility was REAL.

It all started when Wade and a guy named Jerome thought it'd be funny to literally blow the head off of a guy farming in the field.

After laughing obnoxiously they high fived one another.

"That's not anything to be proud of." A kid named Bono said.

"Sorry did I ask you?" Jerome questioned as as he flicked Bono behind the ear.

Suddenly a guy named Elias walked up to Jerome and charged him up.

"I'm gonna need you and Wade to stop being pricks for like two fucking seconds

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"I'm gonna need you and Wade to stop being pricks for like two fucking seconds." He said.

"What are you talking about Eli?" Asked Wade. "We're not being pricks."

"Yes you are! Jerome just thumped Bono and for some unknown reason you two just blew a man's head off!"

"Its just a simulation." Jerome chuckled. "Its not like that guy was real."

"Okay but Bono is real though. So keep your hands off of him." Said Liza who was fed up with their obnoxiousness.

"No one was talking to you Liza." Trinity replied.

"Yea well no one was talking to you either." Manu shot back.

"Shut up Manu. No one cares what you have to say." Abe retorted.

"I'm sorry I don't recall talking to you. You should really keep your mouth shut around me."

"Oh yea? Wanna say that to my face gay boy?"

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