157: Running Out.

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Milo's P.O.V.

I was bench pressing in the workout room as Rowan spotted me

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I was bench pressing in the workout room as Rowan spotted me.

"950?" He asked me.

"Are you trying to kill me? I struggled to lift 900 pounds."

"Oh please I average 925 on a bad day."

"Yea well not only are you a demi but you're also a workout fanatic who worksout 3 times a day."

"Apollo can bench 1025 easy yet he's not a workout fanatic."

"Yea But he's a god. We're not."

"Good point."

"Hey, Stormy, do you mind if I talk to Milo alone for a few minutes?" Asked Lindsay as she came into the workout room.

"Sure. Tell me why first." He insisted.

She gave him a death stare which quickly intimidated him.

"Nevermind go ahead." He stated as he left out of the room.

"Whats up?" I asked as I let out a chuckle.

She slowly sat on the bench across from me, it was a bit lie so she held her stomach as she lowered down to the bench.

Once she sat she let out a sigh.

"Almost time huh." I questioned.

"Yep. Almost time... Anyways, I came to uh... To talk about something that's been in my mind for a while now."

"And that is?"

"How come you haven't just forgotten about me? How come you havent just given up?"

"Its hard for me to develop feelings for someone. And when I do develop feelings, its very rare. I like to hold onto rare things."

"You feel this way about me yet we've never even shared any kind of romantic experience. Never had sex. Never kissed. Never even did so much as held hands. How is it possible for you to feel this way?"

"Well you feel the same way. I'm sure you know how its possible. Falling in love with someone us mroe than just having sex with them or any kind of physical activity. Emotional activity is what counts. Becoming excited simply over someone's presence is a greater feeling than over someone's touch. And your presence excites me more than anything. It reminds me that through all the cruelty and chaos in the world, there's still beauty and hope. That's all I see when I see you; beauty and hope. And not just physical beauty but an unexplainable kind of beauty. One that you don't see until you fall in love. A kind of beauty that gives you a purpose, a reason to keep going.

By that point she had tears streaming down her face.

"I'm so sorry for treating you like shit Milo." She said through her tears. "You're so perfect and you deserve the best woman on the planet. I can't compete with that."

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