Chapter 62: Long Ride.

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Kaiser's P.O.V.

"I probably should've thought this through better..." Said Mathias.

"Ya think..." Blue replied.

"What are we gonna do Mathias?" Cesar asked quietly so that only we could hear him. "We can't fight them, we're way too outnumbered."

"We can't run either." Stone remarked.

"Just... Let me think..." Mathias insisted. "There's gotta be a way out of this..."

"Drop your weapons..." Mark saud as he appeoached from the crowd of men and stood in front.

"The only way I'm dropping my weapon is if you shoot it out of my hand." Stone responded.

"Very well then." A woman saod as she stood next to Mark amd snapped her fingers.

Almost instantly someone shot their gun hitting Stone right in the hand. He yelled in pain as he dropped his rifle.

"You're a smart man Mathias," Mark began, "You know that you're not gonna win this. Tell your men to drop their weapons."

I could tell Mathias was struggling to think of what to do.

"Look, I can take you to where my uncle Max is." I said to Mark. "Just let everyone else go."

"Kaiser, no." Mathias whispered. "You're not taking them to the Mezzarin. You'd be putting hundreds of lives in danger."

"I have a plan..."

"I dont trust you kid." Laughed Mark. "You're too much like your dad."

"Except his dad's scarier." Said Dale. "Just the other day he threatned to tie me up to a tree branch and leave me hanging by my foot if I didn't stop complaining about how everyone at the Mezzarin were peasants."

"You fucking idiot!!!" I yelled as I pushed him onto the ground.

"Whoa whoa whoa Kai stop it." Logan demanded as he grabbed me in an attempt to prevent me from kicking the shit out of Dale.



"Wait a second..." Mark said, laughing his ass off. "You mean to tell me that River Carson isn't dead? WOW. I SERIOUSLY wasn't expecting that. My mind is completely blown right now."

"I'm gonna kill you Dale." I stated in all seriousness.

At that moment I reeeally wanted to. I wanted to so bad that if Logan wasn't holding me back I would've done it.

"And you said he's at the Mezzarin?" Asked Mark. "I assume Max is as well then. Now I don't know exactly where the Mezzarin is but I know someone who does. Thanks kid."

The blonde woman turned towards the group of men and spoke.

"Lock them up. Each one in a different cell block. I want three guards at each block."

Mathias cocked his rifle and aimed it at them. "I'm warning you now that if any one of your guards even tries to put his hands on me I'm gonna kill him."

"You do that and the rest of my men will kill you." She said with a smile.

"I don't care what happens to me afterwards. But I promise I'm taking out one of them."

"Make it two." Said Cesar as he aimed his rifle.

"Three." Blue followed up.... Then pulled his trigger.

Before I knew all three of them were firing at the men.

"Get out of here!" Stone yelled at us as he picked up his rifle.

"Go!" Blue demanded as he threw me a set of keys. "Take the truck! Don't stop until you reach the Mezzarin! Warn the others!"

We all took off running after Benji who said he knew another way out of this hell hole.

As we got further away I turned and took one last look at Mathias, Blue, Stone, and Cesar.

They were firing rapidly... But not as rapidly as the hundreds of bullets being shot back at them.

Benji led us to the other side of Blairwood where there was just a regular fence securing the place. We kicked it and ran into it until we knocked it down then made a run for the truck Blue had given me the keys to.

When we reached it everyone jumped in but instead of immediately driving off I waited...

"Um... What are you doing!?" Asked Brooklyn. "Drive!"

"Maybe Mathias and the others followed us." I said. "We can wait for them."

"Kai we have to get out of here." Said Logan who was sitting in the passenger seat.

"We cant just leave them here to die!"

"I hate to say it but I doubt they made it out of that mess." Said Ava. "Listen.... The gunshots have stopped...  We need to go while we still can!"

I hesitated for a bit but eventually stuck the key into the ignition and drove off.

It felt wrong just leaving even though they told us to.

"Why did Blue just start shooting out of nowhere?" Asked Dale.

"They planned it." Benji explained. "Silently."

"Is Swazo okay?" I asked.

"He's hot." Said Lux. "Burning up."

"He was cold as ice just 15 minutes ago." Benji followed. "I don't know what's happening to him."

"Its his powers." Lux stated. "All we have to do is get him home. Milo taught me what to do."

"We'll get him there as soon as we can." I replied.

"Kaiser, what was Dale talkimg about back there?" Logan asked.

"What do you mean?" Dale questioned.

"I'm talking to my brother." Logan answered. "Not you."

"Jerk." Mumbled Dale as he kicked his seat.

"Dad's alive..." I told him.

He stared at me in confusion.


"Logan he's alive.... I don't know how but he is..."

He continued staring at me at a loss for words.

"That's not possible." Benji remarked.

"I thought so too..."

I could tell they didn't believe me.

"Anything else we should know?" Asked Logan.

I really didn't wanna be the one break the news to them about uncle Sehrem.

But I thought about how Meadow reacted when she found out we'd been keeping it a secret from her so I figured I had to tell them.

Man this was gonna be a long ride.


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