Chapter 69: Hell on Earth.

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Milo's P.O.V.

"Milo I'm gonna kill him

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Milo I'm gonna kill him." Apollo said through closed teeth with his fists clenched. "He did this on purpose."

"We don't know that yet. Look once he gets here we'll figure this all out." I assured him.

"Really River?" Asked Lindsay. "You think your brother got me pregnant on purpose?"

"I do actually." Apollo said in annoyance clenching his fists so hard you could see every vein in his wrists popping out.

"Why are you flipping out so much?" Cassidy asked him.

Apollo looked at me out of utter frustration then sat in a chair as his knee bounced up and down.

Seconds later Rowan walked in with Raes and all of our eyes shot towards him.

"Whoa... Did I just walk into an intervention?" He joked.

Apollo glared at Raes murderously then turned his attention to me, paying close attention to my right hand, noticing that my thumb and index finger were pressed together.
"Let me go Milo." He demanded.

"Not until you calm down." I replied.

"Paralyzing me from the neck down isnt gonna stop me from killing that idiot."

"Hey what'd I do this time?" Raes laughed.

"Go ahead Lindsay." I said. "Break the news to him."

She looked at him nervously then spoke.

"I'm uh... I'm pregnant."

"Congrats?" He replied in confusion.

"You're the only person I've slept with in... Quite a while..." She continued.

As he started to process what she was saying, a smirk appeared on his face. "Oh wow, I really didn't see that coming."

"Starting a fucking war is one thing Raes," Apollo began "But this... This is literally the last thing we need. You're out of control."

"You think I did this on purpose?" He laughed.

"Did you not?"

"Well I mean I knew it'd be a possibility but its not like that was my intention."

"I feel like I'm still missing something." Said Cassidy. "Why is Lindsay being pregnant with his kid so bad?"

"Because Raes isn't allowed to have anymore kids." Apollo answered.

"Huh?" Asked Lindsay. "But he doesn't have kids? His son died didnt he?"

"You wanna tell her or are you gonna make me?" Apollo asked Raes.

Raes' smirk only grew. "It'd be my honor to." He sat in a chair next to Apollo and turned his attention to Lindsay. "My son who perished was not my only child. I have numerous children. Most of which are here at the Mezzarin."

"Whoa..." Cassidy said under her breath.

"I'm still lost." Lindsay admitted.

"Have a seat." I said to her.

This was about to be a long story.

"You know that Ca'sius and Kratos are are gods...." I began, "Zeus and Poseidon to be exact. And if you're familiar with Greek history you'd know that Zeus and Poseidon had another brother, Hades. Though here we refer to Hades as Gazari. Gazari created this place just as he created both of the rifts. He wasnt as evil as Greek mythology makes him out to be. In fact he was the first leader of SAGE in which he was in charge of for years. His first trainees were his nieces and nephew's... Apollo, Raes, and their other siblings. Raes' first son was Deimos, who is no longer with us. When Deimos was 18 he did something we do not speak of and ultimately betrayed Gazari. Now, Gazari is currently in a deep state of unconsciousness. Think of it as a deep sleep. But before he fell into that state he punished Raes as a result of his son's betrayal. Raes' punishment was that he could not father more than 10 children throughout his life time. Gazari vowed that the day Raes surpasses his punishment, he'll rise again. Only this time he won't do so just to punish Raes.... We're all getting his wrath when your child is born. He wont wake up as Gazari, the leader of SAGE....He'll rise as Hades, god of the underworld, darkness, and death..."

"Which, if you think about it, maybe isnt such a bad idea." Said Raes. "Maybe Hades is exactly what we need to end this war once and for all."

"He's not gonna care about this damn war Raes!" Apollo snapped. "He's gonna bring hell onto earth when he wakes up! We'll ALL be victims, whether we're gods, demis, or humans! The war is pointless!"

"So you guys dont want me to have the baby..." Lindsay said out of nowhere.

Silence filled the room.

No one was sure of what to say.

She looked at each one of us, waiting for an answer.

"We can't force her not to have her own kid." Said Rowan. "That wouldn't be fair."

"I know." Apollo reluctantly responded."Lindsay, people here at the Mezzarin are gonna find out. And when they do they will try to kill your child. However, you have my word that I'll do everything in my power to make sure that doesn't happen if you wish to have this child. But I'm warning you, if you do have it, you have no idea whats gonna come..."

Everyone looked at her, afraid of what her decision might be.

She looked at Cassidy in worry and stood up. "Can we leave?"

"Yea." Cassidy replied as she followed her out of the room, taking one last look at Apollo before walking out.

I released the paralysis from Apollo as he stood up and walked over to Raes.

"This is entirely your fault." He stated. "If she does in fact decide to have this child YOU will be responsible for it. Just as you'll be responsible for anything that happens to us while trying to protect your child. That includes the countless lives that will be lost when Gazari returns. This is all on you Ares."

Raes stood up and smiled, face to face with Apollo.

"Maybe you should've just killed me before I had the chance to fuck the world over."

"I'm really starting to consider it at this point. Your focus now should be on Lindsay and your child. The war is out of the picture. We have bigger things to worry about now."

"What do you mean?" He chuckled. "The war's just getting started."

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