174: Watch it.

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Iris' P.O.V.

"My brother's gonna murder me

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"My brother's gonna murder me." I said as the three of us sat in the holding cell.

"Meadow's gonna kill me." Said Swazo

"Cage might just tie me up by my feet, hang me from a tree, and beat me with a pinata stick." Said Lux.

"And you deserve every bit of it." I mumbled.

"You guys are demis?" Asked a burly man in the cell next to us.

We all nodded our heads.

"What's your power, doll?" He asked me with a disgusting look of lust on his face.

"Stick your tongue back in your mouth she's only 16." Swazo said to him.

"And who are you?" The man asked.

"Her boyfriend."

"In that case you're a doll too. I go both ways." He said with a wink.

Swazo's facial expression morphed into absolute terror.

Lux bursted out laughing.

"What are you laughing at boy toy? I like boys with tattoos."

Lux immediately stopped laughing as his face too morphed into terror.

Looking at them frozen in fear was unexplainably hilarious.

But the moment was short-lived as I heard the sound of footsteps coming towards us.

A cop came in and let us out of the cell as we then followed him to the lobby of the department where we came upon Mr. Godzilla himself, Kaiser.

"Listen, before you rip our heads off and use them as soccer balls, I just want you to know that I love you so much and you're the best big brother in the world... Also, this was entirely Lux's fault." I explained.

"Way to suck up and throw me under the bus." Lux stated as he rolled his eyes.

"It's okay." Said Swazo. "This was all just a lesson learned."

"A lesson learned?" Asked Kaiser as his face began to redden while he attempted to not explode and viciously murder us in cold blood. "If it wasn't for Max calling the department and convincing them to release you guys you'd be facing charges of aggravated assault, arson, attempted murder, vandalism, and fleeing and eluding... All of those put together could have you spending the rest of your lives in prison."

"In my defense I only flew in a flock of birds..." I said.

"Yes birds that pecked man to near death and has him laid up in a hospital in critical condition."

"I didnt mean for that many of them to come in. I was just trying to diffuse a  deadly situation."

"And I was just trying to keep Lux from killing those two men." Swazo insisted. "But it was hard to keep up with him and I lost control."

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