113: Brave.

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Elise's P.O.V.

I'd just gotten out of the shower not too long before I heard a knock at the door.

After drying off and throwing on some clothes I made my way downstairs.

I opened the door to see Roman who didn't look good at all.

"Rome, what's going on?" I asked as he walked in.

"I can't do this." He replied, his eyes filling up with tears.

"Whoa what happened?"

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"Whoa what happened?"

"I just can't. I'm drained. I'm tired of living in fear. I'm tired of people dying. I'm tired of being depressed. I'm tired of feeling hopeless. I'm just tired."

"Is this all about Grayson?"

"Doesnt matter. I just need you to take care of Caine for me."

"Take care of him for what? Where are you going?"

He just stared at me with tears continuously falling down his face.


Once again, no answer.

"Wait... you're not thinking about-" I paused after realizng what he meant. "No!" I aggressively demanded. "You are NOT doing this! Why would you even consider this Roman!? Not only are you not thinking about what its gonna do to your family but you're also not taking into consideration the fact that YOU HAVE A SON!"

"Caine doesn't need to see me like this."

"Then fix yourself! I know its hard... I know if feels like your life is falling apart. But remember how upset you were after dad died? I know you don't want Caine to go through the same thing you did. And he's sooo young. Don't do this to him...." Tears then began swelling my eyes. "Don't do this to us. I know you miss Grayson. But so do I. But the only reason why I've managed to stay strong is because you managed to survive. Had you lost your life too... Had I lost both of you, I don't know what I would've done. You and Gray were always the light of the family. You two kept smiles on everyone's faces. You two made the worst situations feel not so bad. Grayson's gone. The family needs the old Roman back. Logan's tired of being the only one to fix things. He can't do it this time. I'm worried as hell about you so fixing things isn't something I'm capable of either at the moment. But Kaiser... And Hudson.. They need your guidance. Dad's not here. Mom has enough on her plate. You need to be the one to talk some sense into them. And you need to be the one to comfort Meadow.  They're our little brothers and sister... One of us has to show them the way. You're more capable of it than any of us right now."

He continued to look at me with a heartbroken gaze.

"Its too late..." He said.

"No its not..."

"It is." He replied.

He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out something then threw it onto the floor as it rolled to the tip of my foot.

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