Chapter 64: What Are You?

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Rowan's P.O.V

Milo and I were sitting in the den when suddenly Kaiser came running in

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Milo and I were sitting in the den when suddenly Kaiser came running in.

"Uh... We kind of have a problem.... Mark's on his way over here..."

"Mark who?" I asked.

"The Blairwood jerk."

"I thought he was dead?" Said Milo with a raised eyebrow.

"Well he's not."

"Its fine. He can't get in unless he has a demi with him." I stated.

"That's the thing though.... I think he has one."

"Sound the alarm." I said to Milo as I jumped up when I heard a clutter of engines. "Kaiser get your dad."

"He's drunk..."

"Jesus Christ." Mumbled Milo.

"Well bring him in here. If he's drunk he doesn't need to be outside in all of this." I instructed as I ran out the back door.

Luckily the trucks hadn't made it inside the Mezzarin yet.

"What's going on?" Asked Linus. "Why's the alarm going off?"

"We've got visitors. I need you to make sure everyone's inside their houses with the doors locked."

"Where are you going?"

"To stall for time."

"Stormy don't do anything bizarre. If you plan on walking out of this place you're doing nothing but putting yourself in danger."

"We can't let what happened at the Rift happen here. I'll do whatever I have to in order to make sure it doesn't happen."

As I continued running I passed by Mara who chased me all the way to the entrance.

"Rowan o know what you're thinking and its stupid. You are NOT going out there."

"Baby I have to. Go find somewhere safe to hide. Please."

"We don't hide Rowan! We fight! That's what we were trained for! We can't just keep hiding from people like Mark!"

"Mara we can't fight them. Not now. They're finding ways to kill us. That bullet that hit you a week ago... If it had hit anyone else they would've died. We can't fight them until we know for sure what we're up against."

"We know what we're up against! You're intimidated by their stupid guns?! You're letting that be the reason why we back down?!"

"I'm begging you to just trust me. I'd never do anything to put your life or the life of anyone else here in danger. If hiding is what it takes to keep everyone alive then that's what we're gonna do. Our time will come when we have to fight. But it doesn't have to be now. Fighting Mark isn't worth losing one of our people. Now please, go get somewhere safe."

"I hope you're right about this." She said as she kissed me then ran back towards the houses."

"Me too." I said to myself.

I took a deep breath then stepped out of the Mezzarin, not prepared for what was on the other side.

"Holy shit..." I mumbled.

"WHOA how awesome was that!" Mark laughed. "You just stepped out of thin air! You literally appeared out of nowhere! Truly astonishing."

"What do you want Mark?"

"Well at first I just wanted Maxwell but a little birdy- Dale to be exact- told me that River's still alive, so go ahead and give me him too."

"And if I don't?"

"Listen Stormy, I know you're in charge of SAGE now and I know that we can have a good partnership between us if you just give me what I want."

"And if I don't?" I repeated.

"I like you. The brave shepherd speaking for his flock. Very admirable.
But don't be stupid. You know that my men and I are now VERY capable of killing every single one of your people. Don't make this be a fight between us."

"My people aren't fighting. I won't let them die by the hands of someone as pathetic as you."

"Step aside Stormy and let us go through."


"We have a shitload of guns."

"And we have a Raes."

"The guy that's been causing chaos all over the country? Great, I wanna meet him as well. Move out of the way Rowan. Last warning."

"I'm not letting you into the Mezzarin. You're gonna have to kill me first."

He started laughing maniacally as he walked towards me.

"You see that's funny. Because I happen to know that you can't die.You're not like the rest of your people. You're special. Possibly the only living being on this planet that is incapable of dying. However, although you're the only person that my newly developed weapons can't kill, I know that they can put you in a coma for another couple of years. Now do you REALLY want that? Do you think your 5 year old daughter would want that? Or your adult son, Carter? Or SAGE, which you are in charge of leading? I doubt they can afford to lose another god or demi like yourself."

"I'm not a god. And I'm not a demi."

His eyes widened in surprise as he looked at the woman sitting in the passenger seat of the 1st armored truck.

"If you're not either one of those... And you're not human... What in the world are you?"

I didn't answer him.

"Wait, does that have to do with why you can't die? Because of what you are? I'm truly intrigued. Tell me Rowan, what are you?"

"Leave..." I warned him. "Now..."

"Not until I have Maxwell and River. You have 10 seconds to step out of the way before you suffer the same fate as your brother."

All of the worry in me completely disappeared at that very moment, replaced by disbelief.

"What did you just say to me?"

"Looks like I struck close to home." He chuckled. "You heard me... Step aside before you suffer the same fate as your brother."

"Answer one question for me..." I began, "Are you invloved at all with the people who attacked the Rift?"

"Now you're catching on." He answered with a sick grin.

Rage overtook me as I matched his grin with a smirk of my own and whispered one word as I shielded only him and the woman sitting in the truck...


Within a second every single person, with the exception of those two, fell dead.

The two of them stared at me in both shock and terror.

"That was for the Rift..." I said. "And my brother."

Then turned and walked back into the Mezzarin, not once looking over my shoulder.

"What happened?" Asked Milo who was waiting at the entrance.

I looked at him and smiled.

"I'm done being the nice guy. Raes just gained a partner."

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