Chapter 98: Family Tree.

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Jedi's P.O.V.

"Come on Jedidiah use your head and stop making senseless strikes!" Apollo yelled at me.

I readied myself then went for another low blow to his stomach to which he grabbed my arm, reversed it, and literally threw me over his shoulder. I landed on my feet, spun back around, and did a jump-spin hook kick to his chest. After striking him he groaned in pain and I went for another kick but he caught my foot, flipped me over, and dropped down to the ground so that his knee was buried in my chest.

"Amateur move." He said. "Never use the same attack twice in a row. You should know that by now. You become predictable by doing that."

"Noted." I replied as he got off of me and helped me up.

"What's going on with you? You've been off of your game all morning."

"Didnt get much sleep last night. Was too busy thinking of how the hell I'm gonna make things right with Meadow."

"Relax Jedi. Don't sweat it. If Meadow was done with you believe me when I say she would've told you. She just likes figuring out things on her own."

"I think I'm gonna sit and talk to her today about it. No more secrets, like you said. So what about you? You're acting- off - as well."

"I am?"

"Yea. You just lost your son a week ago yet you're kinda acting like nothing happened. And also, you seem like you're becoming more vulnerable."

"In what way?"

"Physically. For instance, when I kicked you in your chest you winced in pain really hard as if it hurt a lot."

"I did? Hm, didnt notice."

"Yea... And you look exhausted."

"Jedi, I'm going through a divorce, I just lost my son, I'm struggling to keep SAGE together, and I'm fighting two wars... One against my brother and the other against humanity. Of course I'm exhausted."

"Then just take a break for a few weeks go somewhere that no one can find you and just relax for a while."

"I can't." He said as he drank from a bottle of water and sat on the ground with his back against the wall. I did the same and sat next to him.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because everyone looks to me for answers. I can't just take a break. Parrish can't take over until I get back because he's dealing with his own personal problems at the moment. Danica can't because I know she's not ready to take on something of this extent. Milo could if Raes wasn't a factor. Milo tends to shut down when his patience is pushed beyond his limits and that's exactly what Raes likes to do, push people's limits."

"What about one of the Rift trainers who are staying here?"

"Nope. Most of them are too inexperienced. And the ones who are experienced still have biases towards my father and Kratos."

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