Chapter 2: Dale

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Beverly Hills, California:
Dale's P.O.V.

"You missed a spot on my fucking Porsche you idiot! This'll be the last time I bring my car here to get washed by you incoherent asswipes!" I yelled at the man that'd just "cleaned" my car

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"You missed a spot on my fucking Porsche you idiot! This'll be the last time I bring my car here to get washed by you incoherent asswipes!" I yelled at the man that'd just "cleaned" my car.

I swear my 3 year old sister could've done a better job.

After complaining to the manager, I got in my Porsche and sped away. I was supposed to meet a buddy of mine that I hadn't seen in 2 years at a bar downtown at 10:30.

I arrived five minutes early but saw that he was already standing at the door to the bar talking to a security guard.

"Ayeee Michael!!" I greeted.

"Dale!!! Its good to see you man." He replied. "I see you still got that killer smile going for you."

"You know it!" I laughed. "So, ready to go in?"

"Uhh.. That's gonna be a problem." He stated.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because this guy says we're not allowed in since we're only 18."

I looked at the security guard who was still standing his guard. I took a step towards him and he still didn't budge.

"How about this... If you let us in I'll make sure you don't go home empty handed." I said quietly as I tried to slip a $100 bill to him.

He looked down at me and smirked.

"Beat it kid."

"Do you know who I am?" I asked. "I'm Dale Paxton, the son of David and Margaret Paxton. That watch you're wearing, there's a high chance that my dad owns it. Your boss, I'm willing to bet that he knows my dad."

He looked at me in utter confusion.

"H- How did you know that I'm wearing a watch?" He stuttered. "My sleeve's covering it..."

I inched closer to him and placed a hand on his shoulder as I whispered in his ear.

"I can hear it. Just like I can hear how fast your heart's beating. Now, you will let us in or else I'll ruin you."

I slipped the $100 bill into his jacket pocket and pushed past him, right through the bar doors.
"How'd you do that?" Michael asked.

I looked at him and smiled.

"I don't know."

We sat at the bar and ordered two beers. The bartender asked for our ID's but I "convinced" him that we didn't need to show him.

"So, what has Dale Paxton been doing with his life?" Michael asked.

"Oh you know... Little bit of modeling, little bit of acting, and trying to pick a college. Yale and Stanford want me, a few others do as well but they don't meet my expectations." 

"Oh nice! I'm currently looking into Princeton and Cambridge. My dad says Princeton but my mom wants me to choose Cambridge."

"Well what do you plan on majoring in?" I asked.

"Probably business." He responded. "My dad said that when I turn 21 he's handing over one of his businesses to me and wants me to be prepared for it."

"Lucky. My dad's not giving me his company until I'm 30... If I'm lucky." I stated.

My dad's the owner of Paxton's J... a designer wear company that sells expensive jewelry/watches/ and clothes. He inherited it from my grandfather when he was 26 and plans to pass it on to me when I get a bit more "responsible" as he says.

"How's Casey doing?" Asked Michael.

"She's doing great. Growing up a bit too fast though and is spoiled rotten. She's already becoming like me except she's sassy as hell." I answered.

Casey's my 3 year old little sister. She's the only sibling I have (that I know of at least... my dad used to sleep around alot) so I often tend to spoil her more than my parents do sometimes.

"Do your parents even know where you are right now?"

"Nope." I said. "They think I'm spending the night over Jessica's."

Jessica's my girlfriend of 4 years. She's a bit crazy but I wouldn't trade her for the world.

"They're gonna kill you if they find out you're at a bar." He retorted.

"No they won't.... They'll most likely just cut my allowance by $800 or something. No big deal." I stated.

We sat and talked for about 2 and a half hours longer and got just a little tipsy. Well I did whereas Michael got completely wasted. He even stood up on top of the bar at one point and started singing to the bartender. I yanked him down (after laughing of course) and promised the bartender that we'd leave. I was ready to leave anyways since the place was starting to get packed with unimportant people that knew me but I didn't know them.
"Hey Dale! How are you?!" One girl exclaimed as she grabbed my arm.

"Don't touch me you peasant." I demanded while snatching my arm out of her grip.

She looked hurt by my comment but I didn't care. I hated when nobodys talked to me. I can't be seen talking to nobodys. It ruins my reputation. Even my parents said so which is why I'm not allowed to party with people in the middle or lower class.

I told the bartender to watch Michael while I went to the bathroom really quick.

He gave me five minutes and told me to hurry or else he was putting Michael outside.

I made my way to the bathroom, squeezing in between sweaty guys and unattractive overweight girls. That was definitely not how I planed to spend my night. A few tried to get me to dance with them but I refused.

"We're in Beverly Hills!" I yelled to the crowd of dancing people. "Why do they even let people like you all in here?!"

I walked into the bathroom and up to the sink and dashed water on my face to try to sober myself up a bit more since I could feel the beers starting to mess with me. I grabbed a papertowel and wiped my face off. I was about to walk out of the bathroom when all of a sudden I heard one of the stalls slam. I turned around but before I could see who it was, something went over my head and everything went black.

That was the last thing I remembered.

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