143: Suicide.

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Brooklyn's P.O.V.

"Brooklyn stop digging your nails into my arm!" Kai demanded as we hid behind a bush

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"Brooklyn stop digging your nails into my arm!" Kai demanded as we hid behind a bush.

"I'm scared!"

"And I'm in pain now stop!"

"Don't catch an attitude with me Monkey!"

"My arm is literally bleeding!"

"Oh..." I said after letting go. "Sorry."

"We've been hiding here for an hour..." Fido stated.

"Just be patient." Jedi replied. "Let the sun go down a bit more. Darkness could possibly be our best friend in this situation."

"We dont even know where the Xiotes could be keeping them." I reminded him.

"We'll figure it out." Kai insisted. "We just- wait a minute... Is that my brother?"

We looked out into the distance towards a group of Xiotes who were heading to a huge house in the center of the community. In the middle of the group was Hudson.

"Hudson!" Fido called out.

Kaiser quickly threw his hand around Fido's mouth and threw him to the ground.

"Are you an idiot or just plain stupid?" He asked him.

"We're not gonna get anything done by just waiting around!" Fido argued.

"And we're gonna get killed if you just scream out people's name like you're at a damn concert!" Jedi exclaimed.

"Does everyone remember the plan?" Asked Kaiser.

"We dont have a plan." Said Fido. "You never came up with one..."

"Oh... That's right." Kai retorted. "Well let's come up with one now."

There was silence amongst us as we all looked back and forth at one another waiting for someone to say something.

"Okay this is harder than I thought..." Said Kai.

"Why? You came up with a plan back at area 51. Whats so different about this situation?" Fido remarked.

"You're right i did come up with a plan at Area 51 and look where it got us... We all were unconscious for weeks and half of us died."

"In your defense no one knew the Mezzarin would've gotten attacked when it did." Jedi reminded him. "Don't be so hard on yourself."

"How about you come up with the plan? You're way more experienced than I am and you've been taught for years by the SAGE leaders." Kai said to Jedi.

"Um no way. I suck at coming up with plans. I always left that up to Willow. You see we all had different roles. Willow was the brain. Cage was the fighter. Neveah was the 'it-girl' and I was the one who made sure no one died. The first and last time I was in charge of coming up with a plan in the Battle matrix all four of us were dead within 7 minutes so I really don't think you want me to come up with a plan."

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