Chapter 10: End of The World.

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Ava's P.O.V.

I was sitting alone on the front balcony looking across the barren field surrounding our new enormous home... Still trying to wrap my mind around how any of this was possible.

"Mind if I join you Smiley?" Asked Kaiser as he stepped outside, closing the door behind him.

"Go ahead." I replied.

This man was hella attractive.

I felt nervous just being near him.

He sat in the chair next to me and propped his feet up on the wooden table in front of us.

"I still can't believe this either." He said.

I nodded my head in agreement, not sure of what to say.

"Who would've thought we'd be superhuman.... Thats even weirder to say."

"Yep." I nervously replied causing him to chuckle a bit.

"You don't talk much do you?"

"Not really."

I wanted to punch myself in the nose. I was being so ridiculously awkward but I couldn't help myself. Thank god the door opened again and Dale and Brooklyn came out, sitting in the chairs opposite from Kai and I.

"Hey Pup." Kai said with a smile. "You look grumpy."

"Because I am!" Dale complained.  "I just wanna go home... None of this makes sense..."

"Trust me, I'm sure all of us wanna go home." Brooklyn stated. "I miss my stupid brother already."

"I miss mine too.... Both of them... And my drama queen sister... And my annoying cousins... And my strict and uptight uncles..." Kai added.

"I know, I miss my little sister." Said Dale. "What about you Ava? Didn't Milo mention someone named Brianna?"

Yea, thats my sister." I answered. "She's gonna be worried sick about me."

I just really hoped that Bri wouldn't go back home with our parents. Its not safe there for her.  This was all just crazy.

"Well since we're all gonna be roommates for a while we might as well get to know eachother." Brooklyn suggested. "Lets play a game. We'll each take a turn saying one confession. And not just a dumb confession either I mean something worth knowing."

Count me in." Said Jedi as he came outside.

"What are you doing here?" Asked Dale.

"Cage and Willow are arguing again. Neveah went for a run. I figured I'd spend a bit more time with my new neighbors."

"How far away do you guys live?" Kai asked him. "Because there's nothing but a big ass field surrounding this place.

"About three miles east of here."

"So you walked here... At midnight... Three whole miles..." Brooklyn questioned.

"Its really not that far of a walk. I mean I could've drove here but I wanted to enjoy the weather. Pretty nights like this are rare around here."

"Well then lets enjoy this beautiful night with a game of confessions. I'll start." Brooklyn began. "I'm a competitive surfer and I once switched my ex's surfboard out for a beat-up $5  one on the day of our big competition because I caught him making out with my bestfriend..."

"Damn.... I like it." Dale evilly smiled. "I'll go next.... I once sold one of my dad's cars for $100 because he grounded me for no reason whatsoever."

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