Chapter 28: Change in Command

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- Later that night -

Milo's P.O.V.

"The word 'bad' couldn't have even began to describe the situation at hand.

Rowan had called an emergency meeting in which he, I, Mara, Linus, and Simartè were to attend at the Rift in Minnesota....  We managed to call a temporary truce with Ca'sius and Kratos to discuss what was going on because we felt that at this certain point in time, we all needed to stick together. 

"What on EARTH would cause him to go on a murder spree and kill 421 soldiers of the military in under 8 hours!?" Ca'sius yelled.

Not only were we in a panic but every single member of SAGE was as well. The entire country was in chaos.

It was all over every news channel in the WORLD.

The truth was out about us now.

The world knew we existed.

The world now knew about our powers.

"Sehrem's dead." Rowan straightfowardly stated.

His statement clearly took Ca'sius and Kratos by surprise.

"My brothers dead?" Asked Simartè. "And no one bothered to tell me?"

"Thats why I called for a truce." Rowan explained. "Not only have we lost Sehrem but we also have to deal with Raes. He's gone mad."

Simartè stood still in shock. Trying to process what was going on.

"He's gone...." She said to herself. "This can't be."

"When did it happen?" Asked Cato.

"A few hours ago." I stated. "Kaiser tried healing him but he doesn't know how to use his powers yet. Raes lost it as soon as Sehrem's heartbeat stopped."

"This is bad." Said Ca'sius. "This is VERY bad."

"Um... Guys..." Mara interrupted. We turned to face her and saw that she was staring at the tv in disbelief.

The words 'Breaking News' flashed acrossed the top of the screen as a news reporter spoke.

"This just in, the headquarters of the Department of Defense has just been attacked. I am being told that the suspect is the same person that attacked 4 military bases just hours ago killing 421 and injuring an additional 76.  Witnesses say that they saw the attacker being shot at though the bullets seemed to do no damage to him. We have no idea who is but what we do know is that he's not like us. Some have even described him as 'inhuman'."

"What the HELL is going on?!" Max beamed as he angrily stormed into the room. "Why the fuck is Raes doing this!?"

"How bad is it?" Asked Cato.

"Well..." Max began. "I just got off of the phone with the president. He's made an order to kill Raes."

"Talk him out of it!" Yelled Simartè. "He can't have Raes killed!"

"I already tried to change his mind! He's not going to. The only thing he's worried about is the 400+ soldiers that Raes just massacred! Not only that but he just blew up the fucking Department of Defense!"

"What if we can get Raes to surrender?" Asked Mara.

"He doesn't want Raes alive at all. He wants him dead."

"We're not letting them kill Raes." I stated.

"If you guys get involved by helping Raes then the president will see you all as a threat as well. He WILL declare war against SAGE and anyone associated with SAGE."

"Well then I guess we're going to war."  Said Rowan.

"Guys please, don't. I was sent here to warn you all to not get involved."

"Thanks for warning us." Linus retorted. "Thank the president for us too."

"Maxwell can you please just keep trying to talk him out of it?" Simartè begged.

"If I keep doing that then he's gonna think I'm betraying him. I could lose my position as the head of th CIA."

I couldn't help but to laugh a bit.

"Well then I guess you're gonna have to choose." I said to him. "Its either the CIA or us."

Before he could say anything his phone rang.

He answered it and put it on speaker.

"Sir." He said.

The voice on the other end then spoke.

It was the president.

"Have you talked to them yet?" He asked Max.

"Yes. I'm standing here with them right now."

"Can they hear me?"

"Yes sir."

"I'm sure Director Sawyer has explained th situation to you all." He began. "As of now you all are safe. Raes however must face the consequences of his actions. I will accept nothing short of his death. All I ask is that you dont get involved. Ca'sius, keep your people out of the way. It'll make this a whole lot easier."

Rowan quickly took the phone away from Max and spoke. "Ca'sius isnt in charge anymore." He stated. "I am."

"And this is?" The president asked.


"Ah, Rowan, the one they call Stormy? I remember you."

"Oh good then you should remember the fact that I don't take kindly to threats of my people. We will not let you kill Raes."

"Why is it that he deserves to live yet he took the lives of over 400 people today?"

"He did it because he, as well as my fiance and I, saw Sehrem get murdered right in front of us by YOUR soldiers."

"Those werent my orders. But even so, thats only one life that was taken. Raes took hundreds of life."

"I can promise you Sehrem was more of a man than all 400 of those soldiers combined who lost their lives to Raes. I'm not saying that was Raes did was right. All I'm saying is that he took from you what you took from us. And for that he deserves to live for as long as your murderous soldiers do."

"If Raes doesnt pay for his actions with his life then you ALL will. Even if its by means of a war."

"If I were you I'd be careful. I promise that if you declare war against us, it will be a war that you will not win."

"And how are you so sure?"

"If Raes singlehandedly took out 400 of your soldiers in less than 8 hours just imagine what a thousand of us could do. Your entire military would be dead by midnight."

"Stay out of my way Rowan. All of you."

"No you stay out of my way. You might be the president, but I guarantee I won't hesitate to kill you if it means keeping my people alive."

And with that Rowan hung up the phone, handing it back to Max. "Maxwell, at this point you're either with us or against us. You need to make a decision soon."

"So you're in charge now?" Ca'sius asked Rowan. "Says who?"

"Says me. Now back off or you'll end up dead next to your president."

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