184: Second Chances.

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Milo's P.O.V. cont.

Rowan and I both stared at Tommy for the longest after we let him out of the module.

The kids were too staring in disbelief though because of the fact that they were finally seeing the man who'd seemed to be haunting them for the past few weeks

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The kids were too staring in disbelief though because of the fact that they were finally seeing the man who'd seemed to be haunting them for the past few weeks.

Rowan and I were staring because there was not a single explanation we had as for how him being alive after three decades was possible.

"Are we dreaming?". Rowan asked me.

"If so then I find it strange that we're having the exact same dream." I stated.

"Liberation feels great." Said Tommy as he stood up. He then looked around at all of the kids who were still staring at him in shock. "Get away from me. I hate kids."

They instantly moved from around him and inched backwards.

"About time someone finally said my name." He continued, looking at Rowan and I. "Do you know what it's like being unable to talk or even be alive until someone speaks you back into existence?"

"Why- how are you here?" Asked Rowan.

"Wow, as my little brother I expected more of a warmer welcome than this."

Rowan took a step back and looked Tommy up and down.

"There's no way..."

"Dude. Its me."

Rowan shook his head then made his way out of the basement.

"Sorry he's a little uh... A little shocked." I replied. "As are the rest of us."

"River comes back and no ones shocked. I come back back amd you guys are just about pissing your pants."

"Apollo wasn't gone for over 30 years..."

"Eh... Fair enough I guess. So, how about you call a meeting. I'm sure everyone's gonna have questions when they see me."

So I did as told and called a meeting.

We met up in the conference room though most of everyone else didn't necessarily have the same reaction as Rowan and I did considering hardly knew Tommy.

The moment Max walked into the room though his jaw dropped.

He looked at me, then at Rowan, then back at Tommy.

"Oh shit... Max." Tommy laughed. '"The only thing that's aged is your hair since the last time I saw you." 

Mia then walked in and went nuts.

"OH MY GOD NATHAN!" She yelled as she ran and threw her arms around him, bursting into tears.

After Achilles died and his wife lost her mind, Tommy practically took on the role of watching after Mia and Mara thus becoming like a brother to them.

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