Chapter 1: Brooklyn

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Orlando, Florida:
Brooklyn's P.O.V.

The waves rushed over my board as the high tide was coming

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The waves rushed over my board as the high tide was coming. I laid and waited patiently for the right time to head out further. That didn't take long as I soon heard another surfer that was about 20 feet away from me yell out "It's here!" I smiled and focused directly on the large wave that was starting to form. When it was close enough I stood up and and eventually found myself riding the wave. The water was a little rougher than usual but I managed to stay upright on my surfboard. I've been surfing since I was 12 which was 10 years ago so I'm pretty experienced. That was the third big wave that I'd caught that day so after it died down I decided it was time to call it a night. It was already 8 in the evening and I had to be home by 9 or else my parents would freakout and accuse me of sleeping around with some guy that doesn't even exist.

Its happened before.

Sure I might be 22 years old but my parents don't see that. They feel like just because I haven't moved out yet that I'm still their "16 year old princess."


I reached the shore and grabbed my board out of the water. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see my ex-boyfriend Garrett smiling down at me. Even though we'd recently broken up he was still one of my closest friends.

"What?" I giggled.

"Just admiring your beauty. That's all." He said with a smug grin.

I stood on my tiptoes to pretend like I was gonna kiss him which was hard considering he was 6'3 and I was only 5'7.

"You know, you're really cute when you struggle to kiss me." He chuckled.

"Oh shut up." I replied as I quickly backed down. "I wasn't gonna actually kiss you anyways."

We walked over to where our things were and started packing up.

"So are you coming to Sarah's party tomorrow night?" Garrett asked.

Sarah was one of our friends (as well as Garrett's ex) that we used to go to school with. We weren't on the best terms with eachother so I usually tried to keep my distance from her. However, since she's one of Garrett's best friends, I have no choice but to be around her.

"I don't know." I responded. "I have to work tomorrow."

"Oh come on Brook just take off for tomorrow. I'm sure your boss won't mind." He insisted.

I laughed at his comment. Actually we both laughed at his comment. My boss was the strictest human being on the planet. I once got to work at 7:01 instead of 7:00 and he threatened to fire me because I wasn't dedicated enough to my job even though the only reason I was late was because he parked in my parking spot and I had to find somewhere else to park.

"I'll see what I can do." I promised Garrett.

When we finished packing we got into his car and he drove me home.

It was 8:50 by the time we got there meaning I wouldn't have to face the wrath of my parents and my annoying brother, Boston.

I said bye to Garrett, went inside, and ran straight up to my room not really in the mood to talk to anyone.

I was pretty exhausted and just wanted to shower and be to myself.

Of course that didn't happen.

As soon I walked into my room my brother was lying across my bed, staring at me.

"Where ya been dummy?" He asked.

"Boston get out of my room." I stated not even making eye contact with him.

"Why? I just wanna talk to my favorite sister." He replied.

"I'm your only sister."

"I know, didn't think you'd catch that."

I giggled to myself and shot back.
"Hey, you might be just 3 years younger than me but I guarantee you're a lot dumber than I am."

He fell off of the bed and held his chest as if he was in pain.

"Ouch. That broke my heart." He said through gritted teeth.

I grabbed his feet and started dragging him out of the room. When we got to the door he held onto the edge of it, refusing to let go.

"Boston get out of my room!" I demanded. "Now!"

"Neveeeer!" He yelled in retaliation like a 12 year old.

"Mom! Dad! Boston won't get out of my room!" I shouted.

"Boston get out of your sister's room." Dad yelled from downstairs.

"Neveeeer!" Boston replied again.
I heard my Dad's footsteps coming up the stairs and so did Boston as he let go of my door and ran to his room. As soon as he closed his door, Dad walked into my room with a disappointed look on his face.

"Can I help you father?" I asked amusingly.

"Yes. You can actually." He said. "Will you please start getting here at the time your mom and I tell you to?"

"I did." I responded confused as I looked at my phone to make sure that it wasnt 9 yet.

"You were supposed to be here at 8."

I checked my text messages and sighed when I saw that he was right. I don't know how I mistaked 8 pm for 9.

"Sorry dad." I apologized as I threw my arms around him and hugged him.

"Ew. Get off of me." He complained as he tried to push me off.

I'd forgotten that I still had my surfsuit on that was still kinda damp.

"Once again....sorry." I laughed.

He smiled and rolled his eyes. When he left I hopped in the shower and stayed in for about an hour. The shower was seriously like my bestfriend. It was where I let all my thoughts and worries out and the warm water always soothed me. I heard my phone vibrate but I ignored it. It was probably just Garrett.

After my shower I slipped on my black sweatpants and a black t-shirt.

I walked towards my closet to put my dirty clothes in but was met by something completely unexpected.

As soon as the closet doors opened something went over my head and everything went black.

That was the last thing I remembered.

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