Chapter 14: Revelations.

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Dale's P.O.V.

"What I don't understand is how a whole forest doesn't exist

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"What I don't understand is how a whole forest doesn't exist..." I said as we made our way to the ground of the creepy, eerily quiet forest.

"I lived in it for half of my life and I didn't even realize that it didn't exist until Milo told me earlier so don't feel too bad." Kai replied.

"Gazari created it." Jedi pitched in. "As a safe haven for the desserters."

"Desserters?" I questioned.

"Yea. A long time ago there were demis who decided that they simply wanted nothing to do with SAGE so they left. Gazari vowed to take care of all of his people no matter if they wanted to be apart of SAGE or not. As a result he created the forest so that they could be safe from rogue demis."

"A guy that can create something that doesn't even exist..." Brooklyn repeated. "This day just gets weirder and weirder."

We made our way through the forest, following Kaiser's lead as he was the only one who knew where the cabin was.

"Just a heads up..." He began. "There are these things called mouthers that live here..."

"What are mouthers?" Asked Ava.

"You don't wanna know..."

"I see the cabin!" Brooklyn yelled. 
We jogged towards the cabin only to come upon the science of what looked like a disaster.

The windows were broken and the front door was wide open as we made our way inside.

"Any idea who the men were?" Kaiser asked Hudson.

"No." Hudson replied. "Are you forgetting that I literally spent the majority of my life here with no contact to the outside world whatsoever?"

"I meant was it the guys that came after us yesterday.... Were any of them a part of the group that took the others?"

"I- I don't know. I wasn't paying attention to their faces because I was more focused on the fact that I was probably about to die."
"Okay Hudson I didn't ask for your smartass reply."

"Well sorry that I'm freaking out here."

"You're not the only one."

"You don't seem to be too worried." He mumbled.

"Oh so just because I'm not sweating bullets and trembling out of my skin like you means I'm not worried?"

"Sorry I'm not perfect like you Kaiser."

"You always say that. I'm not perfect nor do I think I am."

"Yes you do! Every time I do something wrong, even if its the tiniest thing, you always say crap like 'there's no way I would've done something that stupid' or 'you and I are two completely different people'and its irritating! That and you get on my case about EVERY SINGLE THING I DO. If I make a mistake you just don't let it go!"

"That's not true Hudson I know what its like to make mistakes. I don't hold that against you."

"You know what it like to make mistakes? That's bullshit Kaiser. You don't understand because you never make mistakes. You never screw up. You get applauded for everything you do and I'm always stuck in your shadow. I'm always 2nd best when it comes to you. You don't know what its like to feel like a failure."

Kai's expression changed from stern to complete disbelief.

"Did you really just say that? That I don't know what its like to feel like a failure." He asked. "Hudson I saw our dad die in a dream when I was 8 and it happened not even a week later. I didn't think anything of it so I didn't warn him. I didn't think my dream was important until mom sat me down and told me one day that dad was dead. That I'd never see him again. Don't ever say that I don't know what its like to be a failure because I do. I failed Dad. I didn't warn him. I didn't talk to anyone about my dream. I failed dad. I hated myself. Do you know what its like to only be 8 years old and absolutely hate yourself? I didn't think so now back off."

"At least you got to meet Dad..." Hudson solemnly replied.

"Yea but that came with a price Hudson. You think you've been through sooo much when in reality you havent. You've lived in this prison of a forest for almost all of your life. YOU'RE the lucky one. Not me. If I could trade places with you I would because I'm stuck with the memories of when I was a kid. Memories of waking up in the middle of the night, crying my eyes out, struggling to breathe every single day. Memories of having random seizures at school and out in restaurants and stores from simply imagining things. The memory of Dad making me promise him that I'd always look after you.  That's why I'm always so hard on you. I made a promise and I'm NOT failing Dad again. I refuse to."

And with that he walked out of the cabin, leaving us standing in the living-room full of tension, emotion, and all around sadness.

This was not how I planned on spending my night.

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