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Ava's P.O.V.

The leaders we're currently in the midst of their battle royale

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The leaders we're currently in the midst of their battle royale.

It was INSANE.

Between Apollo, Parrish, Raes, Mia, Rowan, Milo, Linus, Troilus, and Mara, it was the coolest fight I'd seen thus far.

Once the 1 hour mark hit they finally stopped fighting as no one still hadn't been knocked out if the fight.

Though as the leaders crashed into the floor from being worn out, Raes and Apollo still weren't finished.

They were both in the center of the room kneeled down on one knee out of exhaustion.

"You're the war god but you still can't beat me." Apollo said to him.

"Our father and uncles taught you how to use your powers. But combat wise, I taught you everything you know... little brother." Said Raes.

"Yet I'm still better than you. How ironic."

"You talk a lot of crap for a guy who's depressed and emotionally unstable."

"What can I say... You taught me everything I know."

Raes laughed then lunged at Apollo, tackling him to the ground.

As soon as he rolled off of him Apollo did a 'kip-up', flipping up from the ground as he threw a low blow at Raes which didn't work as Raes blocked it and went for an upper cut which didn't work either.

They fought for another 10 minutes though it was truly intriguing seeing just how similar their fighting techniques were. It was like they could predict each other's every move. Neither one of them could get a hit or a kick in without the other blocking or reversing it.

Eventually they shook hands and called it a draw after realizing neither of them was gonna win.

"You two really are each other's equal aren't you?" Mia asked.

"I'm nothing like him." Said Apollo. "I'm better looking."

"And I'm better at everything else." Raes stated.

"I swear you two are the same person." Milo laughed.

"Assessment time." Said Parrish as he looked around at the 39 of us who were sitting along the walls of the room. "What you guys learn? Anyone."

"That battle royales are pointless when it comes to you guys because you all are ridiculously skilled fighters and can't take out each other." Said George.

"How flattering." Parrish laughed. "And why do you think it's so difficult for us to take out each other?"

"Because you all have been training together for so long that you can predict each other's attacks." Kaiser answered.

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