163: New Faces.

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Troilus' P.O.V.

"You're up

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"You're up." I said to Dale.

"What do you mean I'm up?"

"There's no possible way to get inside without being seen so you have to get the guards to let us inside."

"You owe me." He said as approached the entrance of the armory that was guarded by 6 heavily armed guards.

"IDs please." Said one of them as he held out his hand.

"Oh uh... We don't have any." Dale replied. "Our dad works here."

"You four are siblings?" He questioned.

We all nodded our heads.

"None of you look alike... at all."

"We have different moms." Dale retorted.

"Well I can't let you inside unless you have IDs permitting you access or your dad comes out here and gets you himself. You can call him."

"He's a busy man. He hardly answers his phone at work."

"Well then what's his name?"

"It is... Uh.. he's the guy in charge here."

"Your dad is Dan Stevenson? Head of the department of defense?"

"Yes. That's our dad. Good ole' Dan."

He and the rest of the guards stared at us with pure confusion written across their faces.

"You wanna tell me how that's possible considering Dan Stevenson is African American?"

Pretty sure all four of us wanted to face palm ourselves at that very moment.

"We're mixed.." Jade stated.

"Dan Stevenson has been married to the same woman, who is also African American, for 30 years."

At that point I was ready to face the fact that we were screwed.

"No..." Dale insisted as he stared back and forth into the eyes of all 6 of the guards. I knew exactly what he was doing. "They've only been married for 6 years. This is his 5th marriage. We're all hoping this works out for him."

"Oh... That's right." Said the guard, givinbg in to Dale's lie. "Must be getting him confused with someone else. But anyways, like I said, we can't let you in without IDs."

"But we just showed you our IDs..." Dale replied. 

Suddenly the man looked utterly lost.

"You- you did didn't you? My apologies..." He said as he and the rest of the guards stepped to the side to let us through.

We walked straight into the building and let out sighs of relief once we were inside.

"I swear... Screwing with people's mind is one hell of a power." Dale laughed.

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