123: Truce.

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~ 2 days later ~
Rowan's P.O.V.


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Last night was the night of our biggest losses.

The 40 had dwindled down to just 20.

Cody, Will, Triad, Gabby, Anna, Dylan, Bono...


Within 6 hours we'd lost all 8 of them.

But the next morning was the hardest for me.

Diesel lost his life.

At that point he'd been the youngest who didn't make it.

We all knew it was gonna happen because he was one of the last ones still alive whose condition hadn't improved at all.

So it wasn't a surprise but it still left us in disbelief.

That morning was also the hardest for River who had to watch Simartè take her last breath.

He didn't even have it in him to pull the plug so Ca'sius had to do it.

Just as he had to pull the plug on Cato a few hours earlier...

You wouldn't think that there'd be a bright side to that day but there was.

Everyone else was recovering.

Ca'sius told me that by nightfall they should be well enough for me to awaken them.

Everyone except Raes as we still hadn't figured out what we were gonna do to prevent him from completely losing his mind when he woke up.

To make matters worse, we had no idea how to break the news to the demis when they gained consciousness.

"Its almost time." Said Ca'sius as he came up to me while I sat on the porch of the main house.

"I really don't think I'm ready for this." I replied.

"I know you aren't. But they can't stay this way forever. Telling them is going to be extremely difficult. But at least they have eachother to grieve with and lean on. This will undoubtedly bring them closer. Now come on, lets get this over with."

I followed him back into the main house and down to the infirmary. Max, River, Theana, and Linus were already inside.

I stood in the center of the room and closed my eyes as I braced myself for what was to come.

I took a bit of time to relax then whispered with as much easiness as I could so as to not hurt them: "Perseus."

Within seconds there were series of coughing throughout the room as they began to wake up.

As soon as they opened their eyes they all immediately began to frantically disconnect themselves from the IV's and electrodes.

"Wha- what happened?" Asked Kaiser as he quickly jumped out of bed but he didn't have enough strengtg to stand up so Linus caught him before he fell and helped him back onto the bed.

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