Chapter 49: Decisions

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Kaiser's P.O.V.

"Meadow what the hell are you doing to yourself!?" I yelled as I snatched the razor from her hand.
"Are you fucking insane!?"

"Calm down Kaiser..." Jedi said to me which only upset me even more.

"Don't tell me to calm down! My sister's sitting here on YOUR fucking porch slitting her damn wrist and you're not doing shit about it!" I shouted as I threw the razor as far away as I could.

"I'm sorry have you forgotten that I'm blind!?" He asked now raising his voice.

It took everything within me not to throat punch him.

"Its not his fault Kai..." Meadow quietly stated.

"I know its not his fault, its yours! What's wrong with you!? Why would you do this to yourself!?" I held her wrist up to her face so that she could see close up what she'd down.

She simply closed her eyes and turned her head.

I honestly didn't even know what to say at that point.

"I'm sorry..." She apologized as tears made their way down her face.

Suddenly Mom walked up.

"Whats going o-" She stopped mid sentence when she saw Meadow. Her hands instantly shot over her mouth.

"I'm sorry..." Meadow apologized to the both of us, tears making their way down her face. "This is just hard for me.... Everything is."

"You don't think all of this is hard for me too!?" I lashed out as people started to make their way near the house to see what was going on. "I know his death is getting to you but you're not the only one! You didnt watch him die like I did! You didn't fail to help him like I did! So much of this is on me yet you dont see me fucking hurting myself!"


"Just stop! There's nothing you could say to me right now! I have zero remorse for you Meadow! I- I can't believe you'd do this...."

I was so upset that tears were streaming down my face from anger.

"Kai..." Said Milo as he grabbed my arm.

"Get the hell off of me!" I yelled as I pushed him and kept walking.

Brooklyn, Ava, and Dale all jogged up to me but didn't say anything.

I walked until I was out of the Mezzarin as they followed, not questioning once where I was going.


Lindsay's P.O.V.

"Why are you here Raes?" I asked as I saw him coming out of the main house.

"Just checking up on everyone." He said with a grin.

"You should really wipe that stupid smile off of your face." I replied. "A lot of people here are pissed at you at the moment."

"Ah I see. Because they think I'm to blame for what happened in France."

"Um yea, kinda. Maybe if you hadn't attacked the Department of Homeland Security we'd still be in France."

"So you're blaming me as well?" He asked.

"I'm just telling you what everyone else is thinking."

"Okay so what are your thoughts on the situation?"

"Why does it matter?"

"I'm just curious. I've always been fond of the way you think. Tell me, am I to blame for this?"

"I.... Dont know..." I replied. "I guess you are to an extent."

"And how's that?"

"Oh my god, dont you have something else to go blow up? Leave me alone."

"Answer my question first." He said, stepping in front of me so that I couldn't go anywhere.

"I'm about two seconds away from kicking you in your shin."

"Whatever it takes to get an answer out of you."

"Why are you really here?" I questioned, finally giving up trying to get around him.

The smile returned on his face as he looked me up and down.

"To see you of course."

I stared at him in confusion.


"Because I need a favor from you... If you don't mind."

"What is it?"

"Do you trust me enough to come with me and find out for yourself?" He asked, holding out his hand.

I thought for a moment.

I trusted him... But he tended to do things that were a little... extreme.

I groaned and grabbed his hand.

"I'm probably gonna regret this." I mumbled.

"Yea..." He retorted. "Probably."


Rowan's P.O.V.

"Apollo I can't. Especially not after what Raes just said."

"Just don't let it get to you."

"But he literally just said he's gonna attack the PENTAGON. Within the next two days we WILL be at war. SAGE needs you to call the shots. To be in charge. Not me."

"Stormy you're the leader that SAGE needs. You always have been. I don't have time to be in charge AND go after Raes. So while I'm stopping my brother, you're in charge go the organization. You and I are so much alike that I don't trust anyone more than I trust you to lead SAGE in the right direction. I know you can do this. You have to."

I really didnt want to.

In fact I would have rather scratched my eyeballs out with a fork than continue to run SAGE after the aftermath of Raes.

But someone had to.

And I refused to let it be Ca'sius or Cato.

"Apollo, I need to talk to you." Said Danica, one of the SAGE trainers as she came into the room.

"Alright." Apollo replied then said one last thing to me before leaving. "I trust you'll make the right decision."


Max's P.O.V.

"So thats it... You're resigning..." Asked the president as I stood in front of his desk with my badge.

"Yes sir." I replied. "You're planning on releasing a declaration of war tonight. I can't be apart of that. Especially when its against my family."

"And there's nothing I can do to change your mind?"

"Sure. Sit and have a civilized, diplomatic discussion with the leaders of SAGE."

"Sorry James but we're way past that now."

"Well then..." I said as I handed over my badge and position as the director of the CIA. "It was nice doing business with you Mr. president."

"James you can't do this. You have the strongest connection with SAGE than anyone else in the government. I meed you for this."

"I've made my decision. And if that makes me an enemy to my country so be it."

And with that I walked out of the room.

Not sure of what was gonna happen next.

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