Prologue: The Beginning.

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-12 years later-

Unknown Location:
Unknown P.O.V.

"We're running out of time. We must get them ready now."

"I will not bring them to work with SAGE. SAGE is nothing but a corrupt organization now and you know that."

"Ca'sius and Cato won't know about this. We'll keep it a secret. But we have to start preparing the strongest of them. The war is closer than we think. I can feel it."

"How do we keep it a secret? If we use the rift Ca'sius and Cato will find out without a doubt."

"We wont use the rift. Just bring them here and we'll figure out the rest."

"And if Sehrem or Raes tries to stop us from taking the boy? Do we kill them?"

"Kill them and I'll kill you. You may use force if you have to but not deadly force. Explain to them that we're not doing this for SAGE. They should understand. Now, are you two sure you're up for this?" 

"Of course we are."

"And you're aware that if SAGE catches you they will kill you right?"

"Thanks for reminding us..."

"I'm just telling you both of the consequences. By helping me you're betraying the organization."

"But we're saving the world... Isn't that worth a lot more?"

"Not if the only people that can save it get killed in the process.I will lay my life down to make sure that doesn't happen..."

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