Chapter 47: Visiting.

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Logan's P.O.V.

"Dude can you just kill us already?" I asked the asshole who had us locked in a cage

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"Dude can you just kill us already?" I asked the asshole who had us locked in a cage.

"He's not gonna do it because he's not the one in charge." Said Benji, staring the man up and down as if he was reading him.

"What makes you think I'm not in charge?" The man asked, clearly offended

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"What makes you think I'm not in charge?" The man asked, clearly offended.

"Well," Benji began as I groaned, "Your body language for starters. For the past 30 minutes you've been looking at everything in this room except at us which is a sign of discomfort and low confidence. You're also gripping your gun, a hand gun I might add, with two hands which is a sign of a low sense of security. And finally, this is the first time you've talked to us in days which is a sign of weak social interaction. All of those characteristics are the exact opposite of those who are usually the leader and in charge."

"Who are you? Einstein?" The man asked.

"No, I'm Benjamin."

"Well Benjamin how about I put a bullet through you and your buddy's head and we'll see who's in charge."

"Can you please?" I begged. "Anything's better than spending another day locked in this hell hole."

"Trust me, I would if I could. I'm tired of listeming to you two complain all damn day."

"That's kinda what happens when you keep two people locked in a cage for over a week, only feed them bread and water, make them piss in a bucket, and deny them showers. I'm pretty sure we're just as miserable as you are." I reminded him.

"Look can we please just talk to that Marco guy again?" Benji asked.

"Its Howard." The man corrected him.

"Isn't that what I said?"

"No you can't talk to him. He's busy."

"Is there someome else in charge that we can talk to?" I questioned.

"Talk to them about what?"

"Oh I dont know getting out of here maybe."

"You can't leave."

"Well can you at least tell me where you guys took my sister and cousin?"

"Or if they're at least safe?" Benji followed up.

"Do you two ever shut up? Jesus."

"We'll shut up if you unchain us... Its really uncomfortable." Said Benji. "Besides, you've already got us locked in a cage... Is there really a need to keep us chained up too?"

"I'm not gonna risk it because the last time I went inside of that case he nearly killed me." The guy replied as he pointed at me.

"Hey," I began, "It's not my fault that I can fight but you cant."

"Oh my god just shut up already!!!!"

"Sure... If you unchain us."

He groaned as he unlocked the cage then proceeded to unchain us.

Just as he finished removing the chains from Benji's wrists, Benji quixkly headbutted him causing him to black out immediately.

"Lets get out of here." I said.

We ran out of the cage and out of the room but bumped into another guard.

I punched him one good time before he could say anything to alert the others and soon he was passed put in lala land.

"Dann we're good." Benji retorted.

We made our way through the building, not sure of where we were going or where the exit was.

Just as we found a set of double doors a voice called out from behind.

"Leaving so soon?"

We turned around and saw a woman- a grogeous woman at that- standing with a group of at least 10 guards pointing their guns at us.

I facepalmed myself in defeat.

"Whelp... At least we tried." Benji said to me.

She snapped her fingers as her guards quickly grabbed us and threw handcuffs on us.

"What the hell do you want from us?" I asked the woman as Benji and I were forced down to our knees in front of her.

"Nothing you can give me." She stated. "What I want will eventually come to me although I need you two in my possession for it to happen."

"Can you at least be kind enough to let us stay somewhere other than that burden of a cage?" Benji questioned.

She let out a slight laugh as she reached down to place a kiss on his forehead.

She tried doing the same to me but I quickly moved my head out of the way.

"Just because you're hot doesnt mean I wont headbutt the shit out of you lady."

"Do it." She chuckled. "I dare you."

Then she reached down again to kiss me... 

So I headbutted her.

I was then pistols whipped by one of the guards causing me to fall over.

"She dared me." I told them. "You cant dare a daredevil."

"Take them back to the cage!" She yelled as she held her forehead in pain.

Listening to Benji laughing quietly to himself made me crack a smile which only made the lady even more angry.

After we were thrown back into the cage and locked into the room by ourselves Benji turned to me.

"So what now Mr. Daredevil?"

His eyes widened when my handcuffs magically fell off of my wrists...

Then I showed him a set of keys.

"Pickpocketing is still my thing." I said whule unlocking his handcuffs.

We escaped from the cage and decided that instead we'd try another way out, through the window.

Fortunately it worked.

Once we were both outside of the building we scanned the area for guards. We were all clear.

"This place looks familiar." Said Benji.

We quietly maneuvered our way around the compound or whatever it was, making sure to be cautious of our surroundings.

We then saw a huge fence ahead of us so we made a run for it.

Once we got to it Benji stopped in his tracks as all color disappeared from his face.

He was staring up at the sign as if he'd saw a ghost.

"Benji lets go!" I said to him.

He was completely zoned out.

"Benji!" No answer.

I grunted and grabbed his arm to pull him but he wouldn't budge. Instead he just kept staring.

I rolled my eyes and looked up to sign to see what had him so shaken up.

That's when I knew immediately what was wrong.

Printed on the sign in huge black letters was one word...


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