139: Happy Birthday.

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Milo's P.O.V.

"Where'd you take the girls?" Parrish asked Troilus

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"Where'd you take the girls?" Parrish asked Troilus.

"Don't worry about it. They're still alive. That's all you need to know."

"Why are we here?" I then asked.

"You'll see eventually."

He then looked at Apollo
,who hadn't said a word since Troilus brought up to the small community, and started smiling.

"You look like you absolutely despise me."

"That's because I do." Apollo replied.

"Why?" Trolius chuckled. "A father should support his son unconditionally. Isn't that right, dad?"

Apollo didn't answer and instead continued giving him a cold glare.

"I'm sure you don't care about all of that anyways. You know, since you pretty much disowned me about... 29 years ago... But who's counting."

"You're the leader of the Xiotes?" Parrish questioned.

"A leader? Yes. The leader? No. I'm just her second in command."

"What happened to you?" I finally managed to ask.

"I'm not sure I understand your question."

"This isn't you, Troilus. What've they done to you?"

"Nothing but opened my eyes."

"They did a lot more than that." Said Parrish."How long have you been awake?"

"What are you talking about?"

Apollo, Parrish, and I all looked at eachother in concern.

"Moving on..." Troilus began, "Time to discuss why you all are here.... I'm giving you the opportunity to join us."

We looked at him as if he'd lost his mind.

"Sorry, what?" Apollo asked in disbelief. "You think we'd join you? The Xiotes?"

"I'd seriously rather die." Parrish stated.

"That makes two of us." I added.

"Its either that or..." He grabned a gun lying on the table and pointed it at us. "You all die. And yes, this is what the humans call a 'demi-killer'... A bit unoriginal name but I like it."

"Fire away." I insisted. "Its not such a bad way to die anyways."

"Actually it wouldn't kill you right away... The bullets in this particular gun were designed to not kill you immediately but to make you suffer. It'd kill you slowly and would take some weeks maybe a few months. Similar to what my wonderful father is dealing with." He said with a smile. "Oh and dad don't think it won't affect you since you're already sick. It'll speed up your death. So in a way I'd kinda be doing you a favor if you think about it."

"Where's my son?" Apollo asked, ignoring Troilus' little rant.

"I'm right here." He responded. "Oh wait no you mean the one you actually claim. Hudson. My little brother. Yea he's with us now so don't worry about him."

"What'd you do to him?"

"Relaaax we didn't hurt him. It just took a little convincing and a few white lies then boom. He was all for it. Now back to the important stuff. What's your decision gonna be?" 

"Try not to aim for my face." Said Parrish.

Troilus didn't hesitate to pull the trigger.

The bullet struck Parrish right in the middle of his abdomen as a smug grin formed on Troilus' face.

He then aimed it at Apollo and I and hit us in the same spots.

I fell over as the pain hit me harder than you could ever imagine.

I couldn't even begin to describe how bad it felt.

It burned worse than it actually hurt. It was like I could feel the posion travelling through my body.

As my vision began to blur I looked over and saw that Apollo had blacked out and Parrish was sitting with his back against the wall, struggling to hold onto consciousness.

Suddenly the door opened and the girls were thrown into the room with us.

The last thing I saw was Troilus point the gun at them and the moment my eyes closed he pulled the trigger three times.

~ The next morning ~
Meadow's P.O.V.

My hands shook as I made my way to the workout room

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My hands shook as I made my way to the workout room.

I'd never been so nervous.

It'd been on my mind since the moment I woke up and I was so ready to feel a sense of relief.

I was gonna talk to my dad first but for some reason he didn't come home last night so that was out.

I was expecting my day to be absolutely amazing.

But when I walked into the workout room every bit of nervousness within me left and my heart shattered into a million pieces.

Jedi was sitting on one of the bench press seats... Making out with one of the girls from the rift while she sat in his lap. 

"Are you serious...." I said in disbelief as the words barely came out.

He pulled away from the kiss and his eyes widened when he saw me.

"Shit..." He said under his breath, nearly pushing the girl off of him.

I turned and ran out, refusing to let myself cry.

"Meadow!" He called out but I ignored him.

He caught up to me and grabbed my arm, turning me around to face him.

"Meadow I know what it looked like but please just let me explain-"

"I don't wanna speak to you Jedidiah." I said calmly. Too heartbroken to even yell.

"Just please hear me out."

"No. There's no excuse you could possibly give to me that can justify what I saw... And to think I actually trusted you.... And that I believed every word you've said to me."

"I don't have an excuse for you. She kissed me and I didn't pull away. I made a mistake. I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking and it just happened. You know that's not who I am. I just-"

"Stop it Jedi. Please..." I begged.

I reached into my jacket pocket and pulled out the pregnancy test, placing it in his hand.

"I've known for about three weeks now but I wanted to wait until today to tell you since its your birthday. Stormy says its a boy... Happy birthday."

And with that I turned and went on my way as he stood in shock still staring down at the pregnancy test.

So much for a happy life.

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