150: Mercy.

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Cam's P.O.V.

"How is it that you used to be bad as fuck yet you looked completely innocent at the same time?" Brooklyn asked Raes as we watched his younger self chase down roosters with a stick

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"How is it that you used to be bad as fuck yet you looked completely innocent at the same time?" Brooklyn asked Raes as we watched his younger self chase down roosters with a stick.

"I dunno..." He replied.

"Ares could you please get back here." Asked a woman as she came outside. "And stop terrorizing the roosters!"

Raes, who looked about 8 years old, giggled as he dropped the stick and ran towards what looked like an earlier version of the main house at the Mezzarin.

"I swear, between you and Apollo you two are harder to look after than the rest of the kids combined!" She continued. "I love my nephews to death though I genuinely wish their energy level would divide by a hundred."

The inner layout of the main house wasn't too different from the current layout of it today with the exception of older furniture and technology.

"Ares stop running through the house. You're going to hurt yourself and you're making a mess!" Said the woman.

"Of course I am aunt Demeter. I AM the god of chaos after all." Said Raes.

"Wow... You were even cocky at 8 yeears old." I said to him.

He rolled his eyes and ignored my statement.

"Please go get dressed. I promised your parents I'd have you ready by 6."

Little Raes groaned as he fell out on the floor with his hands and legs spread as if he was making snow angels.

"How many times do I have to tell you that Maia isn't mother?"

"She's your father's wife."

"Exactly. That doesn't make her my mother."

"Why are you still so against her?"

"Because she's too nice. I let Bonzo in the house last week and all she said was 'accidents happen' and thats it! She didn't even yell even when I confessed to doing it on purpose! I at least expected her to tell my father that I let a tiger in the house but nope... She didn't even do that."

Demeter chuckled at his little tantrum as he continued.

"And then two days ago Apollo and I lit her vanity on fire and she just shrugged it off! Who does that!?"

"So your only reason for disliking her is because she's too nice?"

"Yes. And she smells like strawberries."

"What's wrong with that?"

"I hate strawberries."

"Well you're going to have to put your grudge aside for now. Tonight is an important night for Maia and your father. You should be excited."

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