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Parrish's P.O.V.


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"Fuck ..." I said under my breath after I finished putting my shirt back on.

"You okay?" Asked Cassidy.

"I'm sorry. We really shouldn't have done this. I shouldn't have kissed you."

"What's wrong? Why are you freaking out?"

"Cassidy, I really like you, I do. I just- I went too far. I couldn't stop myself and I uh, I'm sorry. Just forget this happened."

I turned and headed for the door only to be cut off by Cassidy as she stepped in front of me.

"Parrish... Calm down. Its not like I'm angry because we had sex so why are you acting all weird?"

"I haven't had sex since my wife and I split 16 years ago for one reason; I fall way too easily. And there's no way in hell I'm falling in love with Apollo's ex wife."

"Really? That's what this is about? Why should it matter if River and I aren't even together anymore?"

"Because he's clearly still in love with you and I don't wanna be the person to come in between that. I know River well enough to know not to come in between you and him."

"You're not coming in between us. We're not together anymore. Besides, I'm like 100% sure that he and Danica have something going on. Why is it fair that he can move on but I can't?"

"It doesn't matter if he's with someone else. You're still his main priority and everyone knows that. If I did so much as made you mad he'd kill me."

"Why are you acting like you're afraid of him!?"

"I'm not afraid of him but I know damn well what he's capable of."

"He and I have already talked about this. He literally told me to move on."

"You don't understand Cassidy. It doesn't matter what he told you. If he feels like I'm not right for you then that's gonna create conflicts between me and him."

"Oh my god." She laughed though more out of disbelief than amusement. "River doesn't dictate who I can and can't date!  Do I not get a say in this at all!? Do my feelings not matter!?"

"That's not what I'm saying. Of course they matter."

"Apparently not because you haven't once asked me how I feel about this and you're making a decision based off of external factors."

"Fine, how do you feel then?"

"I like you too Parrish. You've made this whole situation with my dad go by a lot easier for me. And I've felt safe this entire time around you. I can't even begin to describe how sweet of a guy you are. And I don't want my past to be the reason why I miss out on such an amazing guy."

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