156: Just Like Him.

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Mia's P.O.V.

"You've gotta do better than that." He said to me after he stumbled back a bit as he was a little dazed from my kick to his chest.

"Why would I try any harder if you're barely even trying at all?" I asked.

"I'm holding back so that I won't hurt you."

"But when you're training with Milo, Parrish, Linus, Rowan or Raes you don't hold back at all. Is it because I'm a girl?"

"Are you wanting me to hurt you?"

"I want you to fight like you always fight Apollo."

"If we were using our powers i'd uave no problem doing so. But we're not. We're fighting hand-to-hand combat and I'm not gonna sucker punch a woman."

"Mia's not a woman." Said Rowan. "She's a whole other breed. One that fights like a man."

Apollo chuckled which distracted him long enough for me to throw a right hook that connected with his face. I then threw a left hook in which he grabbed my arm and spun me around as he pulled me towards him so that my back was against his chest.

"You just busted my lip." He whispered into my ear.

"There's more where that came from." I smiled as I broke out of his grasp and roundhouse kicked him in his abdomen causing him to drop down to one knee.

As he tried to get back up I did a reverse kick this time kicking him in his upper torso which made him drop down to both knees.

"Oh shit." Raes laughed. "Is this gonna be the day my little brother finally loses?"

I thought I'd pretty much won at that point. But just as I went for a final uppercut he dodged it, grabbed my arm, jumped up and FLIPPED me over his head.

Luckily I landed on my feet though he slid as his foot swept under mind causing me to lose my balance.

I quickly recovered and spat out acid in his direction though he backflipped, ran at me befor so could react again, grabbed me by my waist, spun me around once again and pressed me up against the wall with my chest against the wall and my back against his chest once more.

"You almost lost." I said to him as I breathed heavily to catch my breath.

He laughed as he too was trying to catch his breath then said to me, still pressing me against the wall:

"I don't lose sweetheart."

He then kissed my neck and backed away.

I turned to seem him walking backwards with that stupid smirk on his face causing me to smile in response though my forehead was bleeding from when his foot slid under me and made me hit my head in the ground.

"You're such a bad ass. You almost got him." Rowan said to me as he brought an ice pack.

"Well I did train her years ago." Apollo stated. "She learned from the best."

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