Chapter 80: Switching Sides.

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Neveah's P.O.V.

After 8 hours we all decided to sit and take a break

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After 8 hours we all decided to sit and take a break.

Jedi, Willow, Cage, and I had ran into Lazarus's group early on and the 8 of us came upon Kai's group who was with Fido's group.

"Is anyone else concerned as to why we havent had to fight yet?" Farah asked as we all sat on the edge of a creek.

"I was thinking the same thing." Said Brooklyn. "Something seems off."

"They're testing us differently than usual." Jedi retorted.

"I have a feeling things aren't gonna stay quiet too much longer." Said Lazarus.

"Lets hope not." Kai stated. "I'm ready to get this over with."

"Guys... Shhhh..." Liza warned as she held onto Lazarus's arm and pointed towards shrubs.

We turned our attention to where she was pointing and froze when we saw a kid staring at us.

"Uh.... Who are you?" Kaiser asked him.

"My name is Elan. I have come to warn you that your friends are in trouble. My tribe has captured them.

"How many?" Asked Jedi.

"8 at first. But our leader, Taka, killed one of them for trying to escape. You must help them or else your friends will all die."

"Why do you care?" Cage questioned.

"Because, I am not like the people in my tribe. I do not like killing like they do. Now come on, we must hurry before the ritual starts."

"What ritual?" Asked Fido and Finley simultaneously.

"Whenever outsiders come onto our land Taka performs a ritual to cleanse our land of the sins of the outsiders by spreading their blood over the burial site of our ancestors."

"That's... Drastic." Said Lazarus.

"How do we know you're not lying?" Finley asked. "And that you're not walking us into a trap..."

"It is not a trap. I would not trick you."

We all looked at each other a bit uneasily.

"I think we should trust him." Said Manu. "He looks like he's telling the truth."

"Yea well looks can be deceiving." Wade replied as he flicked Manu's ear.

"He's not lying." Dale stated.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"Because, I can hear his thoughts..."

"Well alright then," Kai began, "Lets go."

"I still don't feel good about this..." Mumbled Willow.

We followed Elan across the creek as he led us to where he claimed other demis were being held captive, not sure of what to expect.

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