Chapter 4: Kaiser

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Somewhere in Minnesota:
Kaiser's P.O.V.

"Dude just stop fucking around!" I yelled at Hudson

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"Dude just stop fucking around!" I yelled at Hudson.

"Don't yell at him like that!" Meadow yelled at me.

"What the hell else am I supposed to do when he refuses to listen to anyone and decides to play around instead!?"

"Kaiser he's only 16! You're 24! Of course he's gonna get distracted every now and then considering he's just a kid!"

"He needs to grow up. That's all I'm saying."

"I'm sorry I'm not perfect like you..." Hudson solemnly said as he threw down his axe and started wandering away.

"What's your problem?" Meadow asked as she looked at me in irritation then went after Hudson.

I didn't even care at that point.

"You've gotta stop being so hard on him Kai." Said uncle Sehrem, setting down his axe as he sat on a tree trunk to take a break.

"Everyone always says that..." I replied in frustration. "You guys always talk about how I'm so mean to him and how hard I am on him when I'm only hard on him because you all baby him. That's why he never takes anything seriously because he's been babied all his life."

"We're easy on him because unlike you Hudson didn't have much of a childhood. The forest is all he knows. He has no memory of life before."

"Oh so my childhood was all grand and dandy? Hell he's lucky he didn't live the childhood I lived." I grunted as I brought the axe down onto the wood a bit too hard causing something to pop within my forearm.

"Relax Kaiser. Take a break. You've been chopping wood all night."

"I'm fine. We need to stock up on fire wood before this blizzard hits."

"You get your stubbornness from your father..."

"So I've heard."

Before he could respond there was a loud crash that came from the direction of the cabin. Just as we turned our heads, uncle Raes came crashing through the window followed by Benji.

We quickly rushed over to them, kneeling down beside them.

"What happened?" I asked in a panic.

"They're in the cabin." Said Uncle Raes as he pressed his hand against a newly formed deep cut across his ribcage.

"Logan and Morgan's still in there." Benji added, struggling to get up off of the ground.

Then we heard a sudden and familiar scream.

"Meadow..." I said to myself as I hurriedly jumped up.

"Kaiser go help your sister!" Sehrem instructed as he ran towards the cabin.

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