Chapter 57: Soft Spot.

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Ava's P.O.V.

"How are you feeling?" I asked Kai as he continues resting his head in my lap

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"How are you feeling?" I asked Kai as he continues resting his head in my lap.

"Tired... Exhausted... Nervous."

"Oh wow." Said Dale. "Mr. Perfect is nervous."

"Shut it Pup." Brooklyn warned then looked at Kai. "Why are you nervous?"

"Because there's no way we're getting out of here without getting caught."

"I wanna go home..." Said Lux as he snuggled closely to Brooklyn.

Meanwhile Swazo was just having the time of his life drawing things in the dirt with a stick.

"Me too kid." Mumbled Dale.

"Soon." Logan assured. "We just have to wait it out a bit longer."

"Its been 6 hours." Benji stated. "Trust me, they're not gonna leave until they find us."

I let out a small sigh realizing that he was right. There was no way out of this. My body involuntarily tensed up which it tended to do when I was worried.

"What's wrong?" Asked Kai as he stared up at me.

"I just- didn't expect any of this to happen. I can't help but to worry about what's gonna happen when we step out of this tunnel."

"Hey, I'm not gonna let anything happen to you Smiley. You have my word."

Geez... Everything about him was perfect.

The way he talked, the way he smiled, the way he looked at me... Just everything.

I found myself lost in his eyes, staring down into them while he stared back up at me.

He smiled and bit his lip, breaking me from my trance.

"I'm not gonna kiss you in front of everyone." He said to me. "But only because I know you wouldn't feel completely comfortable with it."

"Wait a minute you two are a thing?" Logan asked.

"Not yet." Kaiser replied. "One day though..."

"What are you waiting for little bro? You scared to make your move?"

Kai started to blush a bit as he chuckled. "No way. I'm just not gonna force her into anything."

What melted my heart the most was the fact that he kept staring at me as he spoke. Even though he was talking to Logan.

"Do you like him?" Logan then asked me.

"Clearly she does." Benji answered. "Just look at her."

"I do." I admitted. "I like him."

"Holy shit!" Both Dale and Brooklyn exclaimed.

"About time you admitted it." Sais Dale.

"I like this..." Brooklyn began, "This is progress."

"Tell him that then." Logan insisted. "I'm sure you don't wanna miss your shot."

"I'm not gonna anywhere." Kai laughed. "She's got me wrapped around her finger and she doesn't even know it."

"Fucking goals. Oh my god." Brooklyn blurted out. "Must be nice to be you Ava. You've got prince charming laying in your lap who's wild about you. Can't relate."

"Your moment will come." Benji assured her. "Just let it happen. All good things take time."

"Dude what are you? A philosopher?" Asked Dale. "Everything you say is annoyingly poetic."

"I'm not a philosopher. I'm just a man with a way with words."

"Point proven."

"Why are you always so hateful?" Benji then questioned.

"Because I have to deal with people like you."

"I don't think that's why at all. In fact I think know why."

"Oh yea? Then tell me why Einstein since you seem to know everything."

"I think you've been hateful for years. Its how you hide the way you're truly feeling. It started when you were a kid. Mom and Dad were always too busy working and never gave you the attention you felt that you deserved. I'm willing to bet you were raised by a nanny who was the only real parental figure you had in your life. I can also tell that you have a younger sibling. You feel like you were forced to grow up too quickly because you were stuck with trying to raise your younger sibling since your parents never had the time to. And at school your life was just as lonesome. Your so called 'friends' weren't really your friends they were just people who constantly called you up to party with them but never gave you a shoulder to lean on when you were in need of one. Because of all of that you have a hard time letting people into your life. You blame everyone for the unsatisfying life you've lived. You don't think its fair that you've had to deal with so much at a young age. But let me tell you something kid, I wish like hell I had your problems instead while growing up. You dont know what unfair is. Trust me you don't. I guarantee I've been through more in a week than you have throughout your entire life. Stop blaming the world for your misfortunes. Its only going to keep pushing everyone away. Not everyone can see passed that tough facade you have like I can."

"I'm not blaming the world." Dale stated. "I'm just a product of my environment. Not my fault."

"Its most definitely your fault when you choose to not do anything about it. You're simply letting the hatred consume you."

"Okay whatever cool story."

"As did someone hit a soft spot?" Brooklyn joked.

"Shut the hell up Brooklyn no one was talking to you." He shot back causing Brooklyn to laugh.

"I swear you two are gonns end up killing eachother." Said Kai. "And to be honest I'm not sure if I'd stop either of you."

"I second that." I mumbled.

"I second that." Dale mocked as he stood up and walked to the entrance of the tunnel and peeked. "Guys I don't see anyone I think they're gone."

"We still have to wait just to be safe." Logan insisted.

"But I dont even here anyone. I say we make a run for it while we can."

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Ssod Benji.

"What-" Right before he could finish his sentence, Dale was literally yanked out of the tunnel as he let out a yell.

We all jumped up in panic.

"Dale!" I called out.

"Get off of me!" He yelled to someone.

This was bad.

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