Chapter 22: Elaboration.

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Cassidy's P.O V.

"You're kidding... Right?" I asked as I bursted out laughing but they just stared at me with faces full of sternness.

"He's not kidding." Said Carter. "They're gods."

"Noooo way. No way. No way. I dont believe that."

"You believe in people that have the power to heal as well as send 15 cars flying into the air by simply striking the ground with their fist but you dont believe what I'm telling you now?" Raes asked.

"That's because this is even more ridiculous. Demis? Yes. Gods? No way."

"Cassidy its true." Simartè insisted.

But nope. I just couldn't wrap my mind around it.

"But gods can't die." I retorted. "And they can't get sick. And they live forever!"

"History has exaggerated the characteristics of gods." Raes began. "We can get sick. Though the sickness is never strong enough to kill us. We can die, but only from the wound of another god or a self inflicted wound. And yes we're able to live for quite a long time but not necessarily forever. Though we are able to be reborn only to a certain extent however."

"I dont believe you. Prove it."

"I've proven it enough. The truth has been in front of you the whole time. Why do you think I haven't aged the slightest bit since you last saw me?"

"I haven't either but that's only because I've been here in the Rift since you guys left."

"Both of the Rifts were designed to only slow down the aging process."

"But you were in the forest. It'd have the same effect."

"That's true I suppose, but even before that. For the 10 years you knew Sehrem and I before we left, we hadn't so much as even grown a gray hair or formed the slightest wrinkle. And you can't say that it was because we lived at the Rift because we didn't. We only worked there."

"I'm struggling to believe you..."

I mean how do you believe someone who claims to be a god?

"Oh come on. In a way you already knew who we were."


"Because of our names." Simartè  stated. 

"Your names? What do they have to do with anything?"

"We're Greek gods Cassidy." Raes retorted in mild frustration. "Our names, they're anagrams. You know me as Raes but if you rearrange the letters of my name it spells Ares- the god of war, bloodshed, and violence."

Raes...... Ares..... He was right...
My mind attempted to process my newfound knowledge as he continued.

"Simartè.... Simartè's name rearranged is Artemis, the goddess of chastity, the hunt, the moon, childdbirth, and the wilderness."

As his words began to sank in my thoughts went wild.

"Sidonyus." He continued. "Is Dionysus- the god of wine and chaos. Theana is Athena. The goddess of reason, skill, and wisdom. Dia's name isn't an anagram but rather a lesser known nickname of the goddess of beauty, love, and desire, Aphrodite. My father's name, Ca'sius, is the same. Ca'sius is a lesser known name of the god of the sky, law, order and justice, Zeus."

My mind felt completely overwhelmed. I want sure of how much more I could take.

"Sehrem, Sehrem is Hermes- the god of communication, boundaries, and deception. He's the messenger of the gods."

Sehrem's words from years ago then rang in my head.

"I'm just the messenger."

This just kept getting weirder and weirder.

"And Apollo..." I really wasn't ready for this one. But he continued anyway. "Apollo's name was a lot more common than the rest of ours therefore he didn't need an anagram. Cassidy your husband was Apollo, the god of knowledge, healing, prophecy, and allure."

It all made sense now.

The more I thought about it, the more I began to understand.

Raes was naturally violent and always resorted to solving his problems in a war-like manner- god of war and violence.

Simartè was the most innonce out of all of them, valued the lives of the kids at the rift more than anything which explains the whole goddess of childbirth and chastity thing.

Sid literally drank wine for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and was hardly ever completely sober which occasionally resulted in slight chaos- god of wine and chaos.

Theana was extremely wise and was good at pretty much everything- goddess of wisdom, reason and skill.

Dia was without a doubt the prettiest woman I'd ever seen and guys were constantly trying to win her over- goddess of love, beauty, and desire.

Ca'sius is hellbent on following the rules and making sure and trying to prevent bad things from happening as he used to say and I kid you mot, every time he gets angry a storm forms- god of law, order, and the sky.

Sehrem had such a way with words and could make even the biggest lie seem like the truth, pushing the limits of reality- god of boundaries, communication, and deception.

And Apol- River I mean, not only was he a doctor but he was a professor as well. Girls fell in love with him just by looking at him because he was so alluring. And the "visions" he used to have... It all made sense now.

Then another thought came to me.

"Demi, its short for demigod isn't it?" I asked.

"Yes it is." Simartè responded.

"So then my kids are demigods..."
"Just Meadow and Hudson." Raes stated.

"But Kaiser's gifted too..." I remarked in confusion.

"Yes." Raes began. "But that's what makes Kaiser different. That's why he's so special. He inherited more of Apollo's powers than we expected him to. Kaiser isn't a demi. Kaiser is the first god to have been born between a human and a god. As well as the first god to have ever been born who wasn't the child of my father. Your son is the god of fate.

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