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Advice Request
This person is confused whether they should go for their dream or the dream career their parents want them to do.

Answered Submission
Hi there. Like they say, "follow your dreams." I'd say the same. But some things are easier said than done. Do what your heart says, but don't hurt your parents in this process. 

You'll face a lot of problems when you choose to do what you want to do, but, in the end, it will be worth it. When your parents see you successful (which might take a long time), they'll be proud of you. 

You can always talk to your parents about why you don't want to do law, and I hope they understand. You can go for an easier subject and simultaneously follow your dreams, or do what you love full-time. The decision lies upon you at the end of the day, so choose wisely.

I hope you find success!

Good luck, 

The Advice Column Team

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