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Advice Request
This person has been in a relationship with a boy for sometime. At first, everything was going well, but he is starting to hang out with another girl daily. The relationship is starting to change in a bad way, and this person isn't sure on what to do.

Answered Submission
Hi sweetheart,

It's nice to hear from you again. The advice team hopes your previous issue has been resolved.

To move onto your second request: I understand why you are feeling like this; you have every right to be jealous. If you guys dated, and are now in a relationship, and he isn't giving you the time of the day, and on top of that, he is paying more attention to someone else, of course you'll have your doubts about his actions. You say he is the best person you ever dated, but are you sure he isn't just playing you around (this may seem blunt, but it's better to be straightforward than beat around the bush)? I mean, situations like these almost always have two outcomes: either the guy is a player who can't seem to be content with one woman or he is actually focused on something else which is making him ignore you without wanting to.

You guys are going for a weekend trip together, so ask him why has he been hanging out with the other girl so much. Is he in any trouble? Does he really like you and wants the relationship to work? When he answers these questions, make sure to look for signs as to whether he is being honest or not. You have to see if he is lying to you or if he's just unaware of his own actions.

You seem to really like him, so I hope you guys work this out. Also, remember that nobody deserves a relationship where you have to make all the effort while the other partner just enjoys the benefits. You both have to make it work, and he needs to give you his time and attention or else you'll suffer which is unfair. I'm sorry for sharing such a bleak perspective with you, but I don't want you to get hurt. Also, ask someone you are close to who happens to know your boyfriend, too, for their opinion on this matter. I can only provide you advice based on how you perceive this situation, but someone who knows the two of you can give you a better insight into all of this.

We hope all goes well!

The Advice Column Team

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