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Advice Request
This person is having trouble deciding whether they like their friend or just see their them as a friend.

Answered Submission
Hello, Dearie!

We're glad you chose to come to us with your problems, and as luck may have it, we've got some advice for you! It seems like what I should be doing is giving advice to the both of you because, based off of the way that you've described it, you both are wading through some deep confusion.

First of all, despite what it may seem like I'm saying, I want you to know that the last thing I am doing is insulting your friendship and the like. Now, my advice to you both is as follows: you need to ignore what everyone else thinks. Take a step back, and evaluate the friendship that you have. You need to discuss together how everything—the constant teasing, your actual confusion, and how you feel for each other. Just because you have so much in common doesn't mean that you are meant to be; in fact, some of the best-made matches are actually complete opposites. Sometimes, when you feel too pressured by others, you begin to think you should have feelings for someone, so you attempt to force yourself to feel that way. Your conversation should illuminate the direction that you both want to take. If you are still unsure, go on a date. See if it feels like you are hanging out with a friend or if it feels intimate. At the end of the day, your relationship, your friendship, and your choices are solely yours to make—don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. And screw the ones who tell you to be together, if at one point you decide not to be.

I wish you both the best of luck in your future endeavors!

Your faithful cheerleaders,

The Advice Column Team

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