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Advice Request
This person feels like a "third wheel" because their best friend has been ignoring them ever since they got a boyfriend.

Answered Submission
I'm glad you messaged us. This answer, hopefully, will be beneficial for many of us here.

When a person is not in a dating relationship, that person tends to care more for his/her friends. As a good friend, you need to understand that it is her life and she can do whatever she wants—even ignore you, for that matter. Yes, it hurts. Yes, it is not right of her to just ignore her best friend for a person who she's known for only so long.

The best thing you can do is give her the space she wants. Now that she's out of the picture for a while, it's time to stop lamenting over the fact that seemingly no one wants to hang out with you.

One thing that loneliness gives you is YOU. You now get more time to focus on yourself and your betterment. Try doing new things. Who knows, maybe you'll find a hidden talent in yourself.

I know we all say our best friends mean the world to us, but you are doing yourself wrong if you are depending on her for your happiness. The first step is to set yourself free of all the chains that are binding you. Love your best friend all you want, but don't expect the same love back from her, because we all love people on different levels.

It's okay to feel lonely, but your feelings will change once you discover your better self. You can do so much. I'm sure there are things you love and want to do, so do them.

You have your own company. What else do you need?

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