
433 19 0

Advice Request
This person has been feeling lonely for some weeks. Their family is going through a difficult time. Their friends are only school friends, and they seem to not be close to them to the point where they can admit to them how they feel. They're afraid they'll be like this for the rest of their school career.

Answered Submission
What you are feeling is what many others have, are, and will feel believe it or not. Some of us have times where we are down, and that is actually normal. However, once these feelings remain for longer than they should be, that's when it is a person's job to see whether there might be a problem or not. Feelings of loneliness can be a symptom of some mental disorders, so if you feel like it's been way too long since you've felt this way, then ask for help as soon as possible.

The truth is that you aren't alone! If you ever need anything, the Advice Column is here for you, and people in your life are with you too. People usually care even if they don't show it.

The first thing you need to do is to write down all the types of feelings you've been experiencing lately. It can be a list rather than complete sentences. Talk to a trusted adult, such as a parent, older sibling, teacher, or even online help (make sure the website you're on is legitimate; only refer to online help for advice and not any sort of final decisions or diagnosis). These people can refer you to someone who's licensed to help you—or perhaps all you need is to talk it out with someone, and then you'll be fine. It may be awkward or uncomfortable to talk to people about this, but don't let this discourage you from seeking help! If you feel like you truly don't have anyone to talk to about this, then check if you have a social worker or psychologist at school (they come in very handy a lot of the times). If they don't, then check where you can find some sort of social worker or psychologist in the area you live in by going online and searching for one. To whoever you talk to, make sure to give them the list you wrote down so they can fully grasp what you've been feeling. Every person will handle this situation differently, so handle it in which ever way you want as long as it benefits you.

The only way you'll stay like this for the rest of your school career is if you experience these feelings for a long time and never do anything about it, so it's essential for you to receive help if needed.

In the meantime, you can use the list your provided us (with what you love) to help you receive help or to temporarily distract you away from the problem.


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