
328 12 6

Advice Request
This person is having difficulty with some boys.

Answered Submission
Hey! First off, can I ask if your crush is a boyfriend? If he is, I can understand his concern towards your friendship towards this other boy. Still doesn’t give him any right to insult you. I would consider taking a break or just breaking up. If not, then excuse you? Girl, you don’t answer to him, nor should you be disrespected like that. No one has the right to make you feel bad, not even yourself. You shouldn’t “crawl under a rock and die” for conversing with a friend. Excuse my language, but that’s bullshit. You should DEFINITELY get over that crush. To be honest, he is only giving you more reasons to NOT be with him. Imagine having to be in an actual relationship with a guy who wants you die because you talk to other guys? He has the potential to continue to verbally abuse you and maybe even physically hurt you. If you cried about a guy, check to make sure if he’s an onion because no. You shouldn’t have to. Continue to be friends with the second guy because he hasn’t hurt you and he could be more resourceful to you because he’s smart. In other words, he can totally help you with homework and things you don’t quite understand. And second, he’s funny. Better to laugh than cry, right? I don’t think looks should matter in this case. Your crush needs to fix his personality first, and then you can return to maybe tolerating him in your life. As of now, he’s gotta go. Delete him from your life and just focus on the positive around you.

Thank you for coming to us and allowing us to help you out. If you need any other tips or advice, our PM is always open.

Have an awesome day!

The Advice Column Team

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