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Advice Request
This person told their cousin who their crush was, and a few weeks after that, their cousin started to date the crush.

Answered Submission
In situations like this, never allow anyone to step over you like this. Your cousin knew you were crushing on him, yet she still dated him and didn't feel guilty about it! That's something you shouldn't stay silent over; it's possible to handle the situation with maturity, though.

If he and your cousin broke up a year later, then you can definitely ask him out. Be confident because that's what guys love in chicks. Just talk easily for a while, and, then, when you feel the time is right, and you have no pressure doing so, ask him out! :) If you still feel uncomfortable or guilty for dating your cousin's ex-boyfriend, know that you shouldn't be. You aren't doing anything wrong. But if she's still dating him, you can still talk and hang out with your crush, but don't date him! It would be very wrong if he cheated on your cousin by dating two girls.

I trust you to make the right decision, and I know that you will.

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